I'd love to see justice for those clowns.

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It's too bad that so many Americans are OK with torture. Presidential prosecution would never fly. Sadly, we're not nearly the moral beacons we like to think we are.

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Fight (or torture) them over there, so we don't have to fight (or torture) them over here; smoking gun = mushroom cloud, also, too.

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Extradition, my ass. What we want and pray for is called <i>rendition..</i> Dick knows the difference.

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About the same time the Vatican gets around to admitting that their WW2 Nazi collaboration wasn't quite kosher.

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Hey, what's with dissing sulfur? (We've got a brand to protect here!)

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I bet the bastards are still registered attorneys. Given that the state bar associations invariably frown on criminals keeping their licenses, and that --despite a noisy minority of wingnut attorneys-- the ABA leans strongly to the left, maybe there's hope that they'll be disbarred.

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You'll have to use a 24-vote battery, of course, but so long as you use some big-ass <a href="http:\/\/www.nelsonmiller.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/05\/stockvault-jumper-cables-and-hand119801.jpg " target="_blank">jumper cables</a> I'm all for it. Make sure you get a really good connection.

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<a href="https://www.law.berkeley.ed..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.law.berkeley.edu/php-programs/faculty...">https://www.law.berkeley.ed...

and: <a href="http://www.firejohnyoo.net/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.firejohnyoo.net/">http://www.firejohnyoo.net/...

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What is this "justice" you speak of? Is it a worship word?

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<i>"[Any] credible investigation should include former Vice President Dick Cheney;..."</i>

We have ways to make him talk. What we need are ways to get him to shut the fuck up.

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It's irritatingly hard to fap to this month's posts, but the thought of Big Dick "Dick" Cheney in the Hague - I'll be in my bunk.

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Look at how long it took us to apologize for all those Japanese Americans we put in internment camps. Maybe in a hundred years or so, we'll get around to apologizing for all the torture

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I changed my mind, I can think of one instance where torture is justified.

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While I disagree with Bamz re: going after these guys, I do understand why he is reluctant to do so. It sets a precedent for a sitting president to go after his predecessor. Can you imagine what a president Cruz would do to Obama with that kind of green light? I'd be surprised if they didn't try to prosecute him for Benghazi regardless, given what vindictive little bastards they are, but the flimsy excuse of "he did it first"?

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It's mind boggling that Republicans still take advice on anything from Dick Cheney. It's kind of like getting advice on containing Ebola from Ebola.

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