The Times is doing a horrible job.

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The NYT, the self styled "paper of reference", has become increasingly irrelevant.

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Leave it to The NY Times to do the deep investigative journalism like asking MAGA nutters at Trump hoedowns if they like Democrats. That poo-lit-zer prize material.

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There was a time when the Times had real reporters and real stories. All gone now. Along with manual typewriters and typesetting machines.

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Perhaps it's not strictly the reporters, although they are putting their names on the bylines. I suspect the editors are pushing this garbage heavily.

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Sort of like Stalin's 'who counts the votes...' saying. Who assigns and slants the piece is the one with the real power.

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Ta, Evan. Personally, I believe the overwhelming blue tsunami of VOTES that will bring Harris-Walz to the finish line will be a late wedding present for me and my beloved Meccalopolis. I found out by reading not one but TWO books about Jewish weddings that we retain the status of bride and bridegroom for a full year (we're kalah and hattan) so on August 14th, 2025, our year as newlyweds will be over officially. By then, we shall be eight months into the Harris-Walz administration.

We have everything we require to begin our married life*. If you really want to give us a wedding present, please make a donation in our names to the Harris-Walz campaign, or the down ballot race of your choosing: Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester, Amy Klobuchar, Colin Allred, Josh Riley (our upstate local Congressman-to-be); whomever you so desire. Thanks, Wonketteers!

*We still need a full-size food processor, but I can probably find one on Craigslist.

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Colin Allred? Ma'am Yes Ma'am!

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Yes, and the status of kallah and chattan confers an extra "power" to your blessings and prayers according to tradition. So, in addition to the concrete things (donations, outreach/get-out-the-vote work) you could try that too! Mazal Tov on your wedding!

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Thanks so much! I was pleased to find out that we’re hattan and kallah for a full year after the wedding, and now that I know this, we will continue to do our part with those extra powers!

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The dog GIF is my favorite

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“Everything is so fake, on all sides, all the hoopla.”


Then why are you at a pep rally for one of the two equally fake sides, Barb?

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"Golly, still not one person at this Trump rally who is fired up and ready to go for Kamala Harris."


No shit, Dick Tracy. You have the whole detective squad help you figure that one out?

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Proof that ignorance isn’t confined to any state! And, that’s what brainwashed people do!

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I went to a Nazi hot dog stand. Not one of the people there were for veggie burgers or Judaism. It was so weird.

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Yeah, Kamala, crawl on your weak girl knees to the NYT to be subjected to their interrogation.

First question (and every single question to follow): Is Donald Chump dreamy or what?

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The NYT would never go to a Harris rally and ask the attendees what they thought of Chump.

It is a family newspaper, after all.

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shoutout to Nebraska! thanks, Evan!

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i am only clicking on this story so i can see the full GIF.

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Look at the ages of these idiots…one 35, one 44, then 59 and above. It’s almost like The Youngs are hella on the Kamala train, and will help steer it into Restore Sanity Station.

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I predicted this a week ago, except that I used the traditional Iowa diner patrons.

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Close enough.

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