“We know where they [the WMDs] are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”Donald Rumsfeld

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"we didn't take the oil that clearly belonged to us." Thing is, you don't have to take the oil. If you keep it off the market and cause instability in the region, you drive up the price of the oil you already have. Rinse and repeat in Venezuela.

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Being “the paper of record” means never having to say you’re sorry, I guess.

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Still hoping scientist perfect the universe hopping portal gun where Al Gore was president on 9/11

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The NYT can fuckity the fuck off. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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It'll probably follow the Vietnam trajectory; after a set amount of time, talking about the truth of the war hurts the troops. Never mind the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis whose lives are literally meaningless to the fucks who cheered all the destruction on.

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Once again fuck Nader and everyone that helped him. If not for him it wouldn't have happened.

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Ralph Nader is one of the great villains of recent history.

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“Uh, hello!”

-“Doctor” Jill Stein

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I think it had something with the Loch Ness monster and the Yeti conspiring with Saddam Hussein to kill JFK to keep him quiet about their role in ordering the Japanese fleet to attack the World Trade Center with the COVID virus.

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"Power of Pride""Support the Troops"

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OTOH- if you maintain stability, you can buy the oil. Which is much cheaper long term than starting a war and maintaining an occupation force.

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Ahh, but the war and occupation force was essentially free to the folk who matter.

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Psh. Rethugs did that. They murdered innocent Iraqis, spent billions, war profiteered, and sent troops to be slaughtered. And most Dems were terrified that Freedom Fries-eating Rethugs would label them as unpatriotic so they just let them. Hilary Clinton included. She is just one example of a politician during that time who damn well knew better and yet refused to do the right thing. We needed stronger leaders then just like we need stronger leaders now.

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Seems as reasonable as anything else we’ve heard.

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If you made it this far, maybe you can go a little farther...

It all goes back to the Black Panthers feeding kids. That's why we have litterboxes in art classes run by Drag Queens that are coming for our women.

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