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Breaking news!

Another White House leak reveals details of a Kushner/Trump meeting to discuss the ever tightening Russia scandal. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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It is just silly of you all to question Comrade Trump's and Jared's wisdom. Everyone knows that the Soviets Russians are the best at keeping secrets. Why else would they use Russian secure phones? Why else would Comrade Trump use Russian pee-whores? Why else did Comrade Trump and Jared need to use Russian banks to fund their failing activities? Everyone knows, when you want quality on the sly, you go Russian!

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Honey, there's nothing to be concerned about. Yes, as you discovered in the glove compartment of my car, I do have a separate, secret cellphone that I use to call an old college girlfriend of mine. But it's only so we can discuss strategy in Syria.

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Didn't Hillary Clinton murder everyone in Benghazi because they knew the truth about Whitewater and Vince Foster?

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True, dat. For serious, the rate these guys change their stories, Tuesday is definitely the latest I'd expect...

Gotta admit though, this one is so over the line, I can't even imagine what the next excuse will be... Guessing maybe more emphasis on their terrible fear of leakers... Because... Umm... That endangers Syrian babies! That's the ticket! We needed to end run our own intelligence services and acquire a private means to negotiate more graft BKSP BKSPC BKSPC to protect Syrian babies!

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"I just got back from my very big very successful trip and I know there's a lot of news back here that we need to address. The trip was unprecedented (did you see me with the Pope! Pretty cool, right), but I understand there's been some very big developments in the LEAKS investigation and I'll be talking much more about that later..." - Donald J. Trump

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When you explain it that way, with "reasons" and all, I don't feel suspicious any more.

Thanks, NYT!

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These aren't the droids your looking for.

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"Oh crap, I'm gonna hafta ombud the crap out of this one."-- Liz Spayd, Public Editor, The New York Fucking Times

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You are the man, FDR!

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The US feds are reportedly investigating Israeli blood diamond merchant Beny Steinmetz for bribes to African officials. Steinmetz is a relatively recent major investor of Kushner apartment complexes.

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But their cooking app is top notch!

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We should do a poll among Americans to see how many checked out HRC's emails for the risotto recipe alone.

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it would be the funniest, best, and most wonderful thing to happen out of this entire ratfucked situationeven better than dubya coming out of 2017 looking good

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