On Tuesday, the New York Times announced that Quinn Norton, formerly of Wired, would be their new “lead opinion writer on the power, culture and consequences of technology.” Later that evening, she was out.
Norton vastly overstated her relationship with Weev, possibly because he was a famous hacker case, probably because she, like most of the hacker community, vaunted his court-win as a fight-back to justice against the unjust CFAA. This was one year after her former (very famous) live-in partner, Aaron Swartz, was effectively murdered by a CFAA DOJ prosecution, in 2013. He committed suicide. This may explain Q's attachment to a person fighting the CFAA.
For reference: her "ex" was Jewish, from a devout family.
Have you seen the movie, "The Internet's Own Boy"? That's about Aaron Swartz.
Returning to the issue of Weev: He had a lot of unlikely supporters, like Orrin Kerr (George Washington University), Electronic Frontier Foundation, as well as artists, such as "Childish Gambino" who wrote a rap song about Weev "Life, the Biggest Troll". He repeated Auedenheimer's name over and over. "Chilidish Gambino" is actor Danny Glover's son. Artists were making art about Weev, Weev was a big-deal to a lot of people (not me, this isn't my generation, but people 10-15 years younger than me, in tech, Weev was a big deal) - all this was about the hacker and anon community defending against the CFAA, and no one among them paid mind to his negative aspects. The fact that QN didn't as well, doesn't make her unique.
QN not stung on twitter when she got hired for an important job. Pf. Orin Kerr moved from Georgetown to USC since he argued Auernheimer's appeal, and no one has complained (about Kerr).
noted: Weev wasn't allied with the Daily Stormer at the time QN was in touch with him: His DS activity came after his release from prison, when he became more "radicalized", if you want to call getting a tattoo on your chest and sysadmin-ing for the Daily Stormer, radicalization (which I would). I doubt he would have got as much support from any of the persons who did support him (including QN) if he had been hanging out with Daily Stormer at the time of his CFAA prosecution.
So it's not necessarily what Robyn wrote. It's "what she omitted", that is offensive to me.
HazooToo took the words out of my head. I was also wondering, Quinn's behavior aside, if there are any concrete examples of benefits her friendships with neo-Nazis have brought about? I read the articles you posted below, and like HT said, they are moving. I'm also sorry Swartz died. Sounds like he was a mensch. I also understand that both you and she care about computer security, which is an important issue. You are correct about that. I also promise not to whine and be stoic-face if I am hacked and all of my information and dirty laundry twist in the wind. What have Quinn's connections given us, though, aside from two articles she wrote about the personal cost? You point to understanding their mindset. Other people have mentioned that they're not exactly under white hoods these days. If she's conducting a deep ethnography of the Nazis akin to Ruth Benedict's research on the Japanese Empire as told in "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword," that's great, but it wouldn't be the first such study. She also admits that her friendship with weej has prevented her from maintaining even the pretense of objectivity. Has she prevented any bombings, shootings (doubt it), or other havoc? Can she tell us when the next parade is?
Edited because I got the book wrong at first. Yay proofreading.
All the Ham Radio operators here in the Los Angeles area are conservatives. Of course they never discuss politics over the air, but at the get-togethers they do. KJ6KIV
Unfortunately, this gets too close to a choice between nothing and anything but nothing. I was stuck defending something I don't like because its better than nothing, and I genuinely believe she's been oil on troubled waters before. That said, I'm not even in the security business anymore, I am concerned because these antics may have far worse impacts in the future with respect to crazies compromising systems, maybe this in a few years -- https://youtu.be/9CO6M2HsoIA I think HazooToo and I ended up on opposite sides but with the understanding the whole damn thing is a complicated mess and we'd all be better off if we didn't have it in the first place. Best I can give you. My own take is that if you're going to sidle up to a viper, you are constrained to do things that will not cause the asp to bite :-( That's the one place I'll have some level of understanding for her.
The shittiest part is that the people who least want open communication in sex are also the people who insist you can't actually understand really clear "I don't want this" indicators other than saying "NO!" and immediately fleeing the premises. If you're not going to initiate explicit, ongoing consent discussions about what you're doing, you'd better be SUPER attentive to body language and other cues--or else don't have sex! If you can't tell that your sex partner is miserable and scared, you are bad at sex!
I think about 50% of anti-feminism comes from men worrying they might have to be good in bed. Guess what guys! You do!
"Surely there are conservatives who can manage to be conservative without denying science. Surely there are conservatives who can manage to be less flippant about 71 people burning to death."
No. Being conservative requires a complete lack of empathy. Your smarter conservative may know not to say things like that in public, but they believe them.
That would explain a lot. These jerks don't like women, but somehow find more than enough to defend their hideous behavior.
People who supported trump have been monsters or monster adjacent all along.
Making oneself look like Pepe is such a non-nazi thing to do.
And shameless.
Fuck her, good riddance. She has no concern over the safety of her fellow Americans that aren't friends with these brain dead jackals.
This Fall on Fox!!
Oh, I'm not a "serious player"?
Why? Because I don't pal around with Nazis like your friend?
Got any more devastating critiques - like that my mother dresses me funny?
LOL go piss up a rope, sugarcube.
Norton vastly overstated her relationship with Weev, possibly because he was a famous hacker case, probably because she, like most of the hacker community, vaunted his court-win as a fight-back to justice against the unjust CFAA. This was one year after her former (very famous) live-in partner, Aaron Swartz, was effectively murdered by a CFAA DOJ prosecution, in 2013. He committed suicide. This may explain Q's attachment to a person fighting the CFAA.
For reference: her "ex" was Jewish, from a devout family.
Have you seen the movie, "The Internet's Own Boy"? That's about Aaron Swartz.
Returning to the issue of Weev: He had a lot of unlikely supporters, like Orrin Kerr (George Washington University), Electronic Frontier Foundation, as well as artists, such as "Childish Gambino" who wrote a rap song about Weev "Life, the Biggest Troll". He repeated Auedenheimer's name over and over. "Chilidish Gambino" is actor Danny Glover's son. Artists were making art about Weev, Weev was a big-deal to a lot of people (not me, this isn't my generation, but people 10-15 years younger than me, in tech, Weev was a big deal) - all this was about the hacker and anon community defending against the CFAA, and no one among them paid mind to his negative aspects. The fact that QN didn't as well, doesn't make her unique.
QN not stung on twitter when she got hired for an important job. Pf. Orin Kerr moved from Georgetown to USC since he argued Auernheimer's appeal, and no one has complained (about Kerr).
noted: Weev wasn't allied with the Daily Stormer at the time QN was in touch with him: His DS activity came after his release from prison, when he became more "radicalized", if you want to call getting a tattoo on your chest and sysadmin-ing for the Daily Stormer, radicalization (which I would). I doubt he would have got as much support from any of the persons who did support him (including QN) if he had been hanging out with Daily Stormer at the time of his CFAA prosecution.
So it's not necessarily what Robyn wrote. It's "what she omitted", that is offensive to me.
HazooToo took the words out of my head. I was also wondering, Quinn's behavior aside, if there are any concrete examples of benefits her friendships with neo-Nazis have brought about? I read the articles you posted below, and like HT said, they are moving. I'm also sorry Swartz died. Sounds like he was a mensch. I also understand that both you and she care about computer security, which is an important issue. You are correct about that. I also promise not to whine and be stoic-face if I am hacked and all of my information and dirty laundry twist in the wind. What have Quinn's connections given us, though, aside from two articles she wrote about the personal cost? You point to understanding their mindset. Other people have mentioned that they're not exactly under white hoods these days. If she's conducting a deep ethnography of the Nazis akin to Ruth Benedict's research on the Japanese Empire as told in "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword," that's great, but it wouldn't be the first such study. She also admits that her friendship with weej has prevented her from maintaining even the pretense of objectivity. Has she prevented any bombings, shootings (doubt it), or other havoc? Can she tell us when the next parade is?
Edited because I got the book wrong at first. Yay proofreading.
That pic is freaking me out, because it looks SO much like a woman I know. Who I can guarantee would not hang out with Nazis just to be 'edgy'.
And yet Mark thingy above will continue to insist that she's 'one of us.' She makes me sick quite frankly.
All the Ham Radio operators here in the Los Angeles area are conservatives. Of course they never discuss politics over the air, but at the get-togethers they do. KJ6KIV
It doesn't help that her hair is pretty much a full Hitler:
Unfortunately, this gets too close to a choice between nothing and anything but nothing. I was stuck defending something I don't like because its better than nothing, and I genuinely believe she's been oil on troubled waters before. That said, I'm not even in the security business anymore, I am concerned because these antics may have far worse impacts in the future with respect to crazies compromising systems, maybe this in a few years -- https://youtu.be/9CO6M2HsoIA I think HazooToo and I ended up on opposite sides but with the understanding the whole damn thing is a complicated mess and we'd all be better off if we didn't have it in the first place. Best I can give you. My own take is that if you're going to sidle up to a viper, you are constrained to do things that will not cause the asp to bite :-( That's the one place I'll have some level of understanding for her.
The shittiest part is that the people who least want open communication in sex are also the people who insist you can't actually understand really clear "I don't want this" indicators other than saying "NO!" and immediately fleeing the premises. If you're not going to initiate explicit, ongoing consent discussions about what you're doing, you'd better be SUPER attentive to body language and other cues--or else don't have sex! If you can't tell that your sex partner is miserable and scared, you are bad at sex!
I think about 50% of anti-feminism comes from men worrying they might have to be good in bed. Guess what guys! You do!
"Surely there are conservatives who can manage to be conservative without denying science. Surely there are conservatives who can manage to be less flippant about 71 people burning to death."
No. Being conservative requires a complete lack of empathy. Your smarter conservative may know not to say things like that in public, but they believe them.