I’m puzzled why these poll numbers stories are interesting. Especially the ones about Trump not losing votes even if convicted. Conservatives are not voting with their consciences, making the pained choice about the morally correct candidate. 70% of republicans claim they believe the 7 million vote victory for Biden was hogwash. They don’t need any evidence, they just feel it wasn’t right. And Trump is a vile conman, and they love him for it. He hurts people they don’t like, and he makes being a white nationalist misogynist bigot O.K. They believe all these indictments are just unfair, cruel attacks on poppy, so any “convictions” carry no weight at all. Trump can shoot people in the middle of 5th Ave.; incite an attack on the Capitol; slap his voters in the face, take their money and poop in their lunchboxes and they will vote for him harder.

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The mistake is in assuming that the New York Times is in any way a Liberal press. It remains a very conservative media.

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Sigh. I remember when I could enjoy reading much of NYT. Sigh. That seems very, very long ago. Ta, Dok. Nearly a year before the election, polls are meaningless.

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The Times has no story to stick to. They publish whatever tripe has the potential to get clicks at the time when decisions are made even if ten minutes later the impression is totally the opposite. If they were pro-Republican, at least the world would know what to expect. In reality, they’re pro-clicks, which means they’ll say anything to drive traffic. That means it’s a crapshoot.

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Wouldn't you think that "a solid majority of Republicans don't care if he is a traitor, a grifter, a sycophant who tags after dictators and idolizes them" would be kind of a major story? That so many Americans are willing to elect Hitler II, no matter what he has said and done? Even if it means that he will certainly end representative government, foment a civil war, end the rule of law in favor of the fuhrerprinzip? Call me crazy, but it appears that about 30-40% of Americans are just as anti-American as the Taliban, and are far more dangerous to us. That MIGHT be worth a tad more scrutiny than Joe Biden's age. Instead of just sending out stenographers to take down the spittle-flecked mouth noises of the intellectually handicapped, some serious investigation of What Is WRONG With These People could be illuminating, if carried out objectively, forensically.

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Trump is strong like bull, smart like tractor.

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I am glad that the NYT continues to stand up for Trump even though he probably asks his people if he can have reporters executed in the street if he’s re-elected,

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sheep bleating for the right to be slaughtered, the fuckwits.

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Crazy thought: pretend the NYT is "librul biased!!!1!" In that light, we could see their tepid coverage of Biden as The way to motivate the Democratic base.

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New York Slimes: Cheering for America's total intellectual, moral, and ethical collapse into fascism every step of the way.

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The NYT writes a lot of stories about how Trump supporters support Trump. I haven’t read the Times in a decade. Do they ever write stories about how unsettling it is Trump continues to say things about “beating Obama” in the 2016 election, crediting Jeb Bush with the Iraq War, confusing E Jean Carroll with his ex wife Marla Maples? No doubt that if Biden made errors this serious, they’d be leading the charge for him to quit the race. How is it that an outfit like Meidas Touch has better reporting than the NTY?

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What they are NOT writing are stories about Biden supporters. why do they like him? What are their thoughts? Can't find those.

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The closest I’ve seen are those bi partisan panels that MSNBC likes to do because “both sides”. They’ll get five Democrats and five Republicans and stick a moderator in between. Other than that, you’d think Biden supporters don’t exist.*

*Actually, now that I think about it, this is exactly why Republicans are so convinced the election was rigged. When do they ever get stories of Biden supporters?

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Yeah, during the 8 years of Obama's presidency I don't recall a single profile of ecstatic Obama voters, yet give a cranky Oopaloompa the job and all you read about is how POPULAR he is with his supporters.

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No matter what he does, the media will find some Republicans to stick in front of a camera to discuss their love of Trump. It’s curious stuff. Reverently the New York Post got shit for a poll it reported on stating that a quarter of Trump supporters won’t support him if he’s found guilty of one of his many crimes. How often do we hear about those people?

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If I remember correctly, they actively sought out people who didn't like Obama to write stories about ad nauseam in addition to zero stories about Obama supporters.

Kind of like how they go on a Kletus safari to a diner in bumfuck nowhere ALL THE TIME to interview white Trump supporters while there are zero stories interviewing Black families, LGBTQ+ kids and their parents, immigrants, etc.

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They were quick to promote the Tea Party. A friend of mine said at the time? “what are they angry about?! He just got sworn in two months ago!”

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And, if memory serves, was busy pulling the country out of the market crash.

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And don't forget about Hillary. They couldn't stop running interviews with Trumpies in midwest diners, yet not one word about those who voted for the first woman President.

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That’s another one that baffled me. The amount of ink they spilled over all the stupid so called scandals, but not a word about the travesty of HRC winning the popular vote against an unqualified moron but losing the election due to our Electoral College system.

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“… maybe the continuing news of Trump’s legal fuckery is starting to take a toll.”

From your typing fingers to Ceiling Cat’s ears. (Offering treats might help our cause along, too).

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It seems to me the only people talking to polls are people with landlines that answer unknown numbers. In other words really really old...

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You are completely wrong about that. But the myth is more comforting.

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Maybe. There's no way to know for sure one way or the other.

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Very exact details of the method of polling, the results by detailed group, type of phone reached, and SO MUCH MORE are published with every poll by every reputable company and most of the shitty ones also. Commonly known as "crosstabs", they are easily available. Yeah, we do know.

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I read crosstabs sometimes. But, all that data is self reported by the pollees. So unverifiable. And it still relies on people answering unknown numbers. So, again, old.

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and so lonely that they will put up with spammers and so foolish that they get taken in by the most obvious frauds. No wonder, if you poll only the most gullible and frightened people in the country you get a somewhat less than representative sample of public opinion.

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I just went to cancel my NYT digital subscription and they took 60% off the price to keep me.

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they couldn't PAY me enough to give houseroom to the damnfool rag.

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Rushes to cancel.. ****Update**** I got 80% off to continue. I hope they still get to read my reason for canceling. "I don't like greasing the skids for American Fascism."

**I just read the email they sent me, they'll give me the $1 a week until Dec 19 2024 then they want $20 a month. I'll schedule another cancellation on the 18th.**

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The math is incontrovertible: another Trump candidacy (to say nothing of another Trump term) means clicks and $$$ for NYT and WaPo. And Maggie Haberman will get another book that adds nothing to our understanding. There is no reason to expect otherwise from these outlets.

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