I think they're both in the same pocket. Lucky for whoever is wearing those pants the Sulzbergers turned out to be as shortsighted and ignorant as the Grahams at the Washington Post.

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We called it the SCLM, back in the day.

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You know, when she was briefly dating Michael Douglas, she reportedly said that Howell Raines (her personal who do I have to fuck, or at least the one who put her on the Op Ed page, as rumor would have it) forced her to write all that mean stuff. I never really bought it. She has a theory (seriously, she wrote a book about it) that she's not married because men of the caliber she deserves are scared of her awesomeness. Actual awesome women married to powerful men bring out her Heather side.

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She made a rhetorical play for him - after all, he was running against Hillary - but he slapped her back because he can't stand her. This, according to the equally vile David Axelrod, who predictably considers her a good friend.

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Yeah, intelligencer had an article that flat out said sorry libs, the Times says it's not true.

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That's because Katharine Graham's children and grandchildren, who appear to have inherited Phil's mental instability, sold it.

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Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "New York Times actual malice", don't it.

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Tired eyes read that as "necrocon". Talk about your accidental truth.

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I remember when the NYT Sunday style glossy magazine had "day beds", you know futons you put down on the floor for lounging around during the day for $7000. Hippy crash pads were never the same after that 😀

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Stopped buying NYT. Read WaPo online now. Miss a lot of the good stuff they did, but really, why should I subsidize a paper that can't tell sh*t from shinola?

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Yeah. She must have felt relieved on Nov 9!

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"... The Trump Organization is this mom-and-pop boutique. It’s got less than 100 people, I think, working for it, and he’s about to take the reins of a portion of the federal government that employs over 2 million people, is global, touches on every key policy in American life, and in our overseas profile and he knows very little about most of all of that and papering that over with any kind of publicity or the good publicity, is in a strategy that’s a Hail Mary. And I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening if that’s how he’s going to approach things, what his day-to-day life might become. ..."

Dog help us.

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And Trump is in Russian pockets, "rattling around with the loose change", as one script of that old TV series HAZELL put it.

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On the right ... Eliot Cohenhttp://www.the-american-int...Admittedly, we fled town for the Inauguration. ... the prospect of it filled me with disgust. I wanted to be far away from the pleasant city that is our national capital. Donald J. Trump has repeatedly revealed himself as a lying, crooked, narcissistic ignoramus, incapable of generous thoughts or deeds, indeed, incapable of seeing beyond himself at all. The idea of that man living in Lincoln’s house is nauseating. ...

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I know, I was being sarcastic;-)

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The trump to kittens Chrome extension doesn't replace this image. Should I be sad?

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