Is the WaPo better these days?

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This is Hearstian crap. Except a lot more pathetic

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oof . . . that's quite a hug you got there.

i'm doing quite well for a man in my condition.

hope you're well . . . and paul too, of course.

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I use currentstatus.io for news headlines, and whenever I see a headline and think WTAF?? It's usually the NYT. Or the Washington Examiner. One is just a little more subtle than the other. The Wex is usually along the lines of "that can't be real, can it??" and the answer is No, I'm sure it's not and I don't even need to read it to find out. The NYT is more like "What? Should I worry about that?" and then I see it's NYT and I say, No, no I don't.

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The NYT is Vichy to the core.

All the news that's shit.

Might as well be owned by Murdoch.

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"Might as well be owned by Murdoch."

Let's maybe not speak that one into existence

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The NYT is Vichy to the core.

All the news that's shit.

Might as well be owned by Murdoch.

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What about Wordle? Have you considered that angle?

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I dropped wordle like a hot potato when the Times bought it. Nope.

Instead I play Squardle. Much more entertaining! https://squaredle.app/

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A whole article on how the Times handled Biden and Trump, and not one mention of Maggie “The Fluffer” Haberman. If the Times really wants to know why people don’t trust them on Trump, they should start there,

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Fuck the New York Times.

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....with trumps mushroom dick.

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Unfortunately, the NYTimes good reporting, and there is some very good reporting, is overshadowed by all the crap editorials and biased reporting.

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There's nothing that makes Esteemed Journalists angry like not being given the deference and worship they think they deserve. I swear, they've all watched All The President's Men too many times and think they're literally the only thing saving us from complete ruin.

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I'm done. Just canceled my NYT sub. Suspected as much, avoided the site for the most part because I found the headlines (and the harping on Biden's age but never reporting on tfg's dementia) infuriating, but the character count didn't allow me to say everything.

Until I could just shorthand it "Media Matters."

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Fun/nauseating NYT headline today: "With Inflation This High, Nobody Knows What a Dollar Is Worth"


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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Yeah, that headline really was the last straw for me (this was before I saw your comment).

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Ya know, for a long time I felt that the Vichy Times's focus on flattering the aggrieved elite entitlement of it's Upper East Side subscription base was just a business decision. But then I think of how lousy the op-ed pages are with idiotic Eminent Shitheads, and how Bari Weiss's crusade of outrage over her dismissed mediocrity was born out of that culture and I realize that these assholes really do think this way.

I hope the Biden Administration stands tough, here. Fuck those guys.

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Wait'll they find out Biden sat down for an interview with HOWARD STERN! In the Sirius XM studio!

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(By the way, secret Wonkette sources — a commenter, in the comments — say Biden is going to be at the Wall Street Journal today. We hope he is there to give them five interviews, and then give interviews to Fox News and the Daily Mail, just to really, super duper rub it in.)

Better yet - I just saw a clip of Biden being interviewed by HOWARD STERN!!! At this point, I'd trust Howard Stern more than the NYT. Stern at least knows that Trump is a danger to democracy, and has repeatedly said so.

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He knows that because trump constantly called in to his show, to brag about himself, over a couple of decades. Howard Stern was the one trump told about wanting Marla to abort Tiffany.

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Give one to the Post and Daily Mail and the Tribeca Whole Foods employee newsletter.

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...and the Pennysaver!

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