You mean he's now paying rent?

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One of my years as Wisconsin, I had a "room" which was actually a sunporch. Admittedly, it was $900 for the entire academic year, but if my girlfriend hadn't been in a real apartment I would probably have frozen to death at some point in the winter.

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Excuse me, but that's just crazy talk.

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Shit, I wished I still was.

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If she had any gumption at all she would have found a sugar daddy. Californians.

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While carrying a 60-pound sack and being yelled at.

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When I first dropped out of college (the first college I dropped out of I mean) I moved back home, got a job in my own small town and my mother demanded $35 a week in rent. In exchange i got 3 great meals a day, use of a car, and more privacy than I ever had growing up. I'd take that deal again in a heartbeat.

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Rebecca, I adore you, but I don't like feeling this damn homicidal on Saturdays.

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On the other hand, my 4th year tuition at the University of Chicago was $4,250.

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Are there no bridge underpasses? Are there no workhouses?

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"...aspiring actress who is studying theater and dramatic literature"

She needs to enjoy the luxury, she ain't going to be able to afford it after she graduates to become a star on Broadway. Oh - pro tip, the acting world is (generally for most actors) a pile of rejection with a little success thrown in. What will the snowflake do when she is - horrors - not made the star of every show she auditions for?

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Mmmm, salacious side<strike>boob</strike>code.

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So she settled for a studio at $25,000 a year. Sadly, we are .living in times of lowered expectations.

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Honey. Coupla things:

1. Studying <i>theater</i>? Try hedge-fund manager. Think Billion$ -- not Million$.

2. <i>Waiting for the train?</i> Joshin', right? Waiting for the <i>chauffer</i>, maybe. Otherwise, hopefully the new digs has a car elevator. Otherwise, what's the point?

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