I think we can accept that black men had and have a lot of things to be angry about. White men not so much. Not so much slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow, racial profiling, poor healthcare access, etc., etc., etc.

But angry because you might believe the President of your country is a foreign born Muslim who wants to take away your assault weapons, force you to gay marry a socialist lesbian union schoolteacher, and make you recycle your empty whiskey bottles instead of hurling them at the mail carrier? Actually mental illnesses are a dangerous and very prevalent danger. Most of the rightwing and all of the tea party suffer from them.

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Mistake #1: Thinking that the shit that goes down in a dysfunctional Texas town has any larger significance. If Texas wasn't so fucked up, maybe the people wouldn't be so fucked up.

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very nice.

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Or maybe just because they <i>knew</i> her.

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<a href="" target="_blank">Alexander Selkirk?</a>

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Now, if only we could get her to go back there...

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Yeah, Strunk and White just don't carry "random words I dimly remember from physics class and produce in a seriously contrived fashion as part of a poorly disguised effort to distract from the fundamental inanity of the point I'm trying to make" sausage. Because it doesn't taste good.

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But Fort Worth, Texas is <em>totally</em> a position, no "pre" about it!

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Nicolae Carpathia?

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Of course she'st not tenured! In the general population, womenfolk's got to do four thirds the amount of work as menfolk just to get even pay.

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Don't forget the billy club.

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Anatole Broyard

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I believe the correct response to the cited essay is "kewl story bro" followed by the emoticon with the rolling eyes.

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<i>In the United States, the angry white man has usurped the angry black man.</i>

This means that we can look forward to the Magical Whitey in movies next year. Someone please let Spielberg know so he can adjust the script of his highly accurate and not at all shallow forthcoming movie version of the Adam Lanza Story.

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Then there are the angry white women: Sarah Palin™, Michele Bachmann, Ann ("shut up! this is hard") Romney , Ann Coulter and Lindsey Graham.

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