Tex-ass wont go blue.

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I won’t be happy until Trump’s chance of victory is 0.00000000000%. Actually, even that would make me nervous.

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The only polls that matter are in November.

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A factor I enjoy is the, let's call it, Lincoln Project influence. The clock is ticking and they and a few others suck up Heir Trumpler's precious time with nucular powered trolling that he is incapable of ignoring and responding to. Then spending even more previous rally minutes whining and explaining.Meanwhile, tick tock, tick tock, November looms.

It's us forcing him to play our game and keep showing his true gut and lame brain.

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You've won this battle, Disqus. But I'll be back.

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That's the spirit! Carry on!

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Yeah. I hear you. 2016 polls... made no difference, because it wasn't about what the majority voted.

I see the need to keep publishing polls. That sets expectations and will invite questions.

I can't see how they'll make a difference when the loser gets the prize anyway.

My last personal email to my congressional representatives and Madame Speaker Pelosi asked point-blank if the Senate can simply ignore them. I'm tired of seeing #MoscowMitch watch bills mount on his desk. Vote-by-mail, replacement income, police "reform," and...I can't even.

*spits in disgust*

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Unfortunately, you're right... but not because Texas voters are necessarily stupid. More because of the gerrymandering, voter caging, disincentives to vote... the latter, due in good part, to the national Democratic party not supporting anyone but "moderates" (i.e. Republicans in Democratic clothing) for Texas state offices. Hell, Texas produced Maury Maverick, Jimmy Aldred, LBJ, Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, etc. etc. etc. and it's not as "white" or rural as you might think.

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