How oppressive! Cancel Culture!

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It is deliberate many don't know that and so keep listening. Think frog being boiled slowly in pot.

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Yes, yes they really do.

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Fucking gaslighting rag. I swear there is foreign oligarch money invested in there.

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It's not just a kids holiday, adults just go to parties, instead of door to door.

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"International Business Times" referred to as a shadowy Right wing corporation.

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"After years of survivable financial struggles, the magazine—founded in 1933—cratered with the economy in 2008, was sold by the Washington Post Co. for $1 in 2010, and sold again in 2013 by Barry Diller's IAC to a shadowy company called International Business Times."


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Confiscating the estates of the Confederate officials and officers, to redistribute among those who had been working the lands ("forty acres and a mule"), was the only way forward. This would still have been merciful, since death *plus* confiscation of the estate was the traditional penalty for treason. Andrew Johnson short-circuited this with his mass pardons. A general amnesty for the enlisted men in the Confederate army was, of course, only sensible (try every one of them for murder or attempted murder? when lots of them were conscripts?) but letting the instigators off was the fatal mistake we have not recovered from.

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No, she identifies as Bi, as do I, and many other Wonkette persons..

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That's because there is definitely some foreign oligarchic funding going on there. Look no further than Maggie's stepfather.

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"for my friends...everything, for my enemies, the law."

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His new editor is not, she slithered in from the AP, and I always forget her evil mentors name, but she is there to destroy WaPo the same way as the compromised NYET.Also someone linked this great link if you haven't seen it.


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There can be no doubt "Reconstruction" was handled very poorly.

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NYT, WaPo, blah blah blah. NPR too, those hang-wringing, oil-funded apologists. It goes way back, but it wasn't long ago these greedheads lied us into Iraq . Yellowcake, my ass.

Then came Trump. He called them a bunch of groveling liars. He wasn't entirely wrong, even though he was only talking about his own personal public relations. But still, they couldn't lay off the journo-crack that is Trump. It's easier than real journalism. They didn't care if it was bullshit, as long as it poked this hornet nest of a nation with a long stick and kept those ad revenues up. In doing so, they gave Trump too much oxygen, and he got too big to handle.

He called them a bunch of bitches. They responded by supplying endless gossipy both-sidesy coverage and WHAM he got elected (Helped him out of a jam I guess, but they used a little too much force...).

As a reward, he kept calling them a bunch of bitches. Now he's still at it; they are still at it, and they'll never bring themselves to call it what it is.

Because that story is quick and brutal, and leaves waaay too much time left at the end of the day to cover serious news in a serious way. Besides, where's the goddamn money in that?

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“A Trump run in 2024 is an electoral asteroid hurtling toward the nation…”

Just right.

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