Now you're getting it! This is what I've been saying! Always ask, who will this benefit? Who will this hurt? It's either rich people, or poor people. The entire current world order slots into place when you realise that rich bastards need the poors to die as quickly as possible while they continue to burn the planet down around us in the name of their own greed.

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The NYT should have asked Beda Magyar to write the op-ed. Instead, it seems to be Hell bent on interpreting the Fairness Doctrine in a manner that requires them to deify the far right. Anyhow, here's Magyar's analysis of the situation in Hungary.https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland...

My step-asshole-in-law and his retired prison guard buddies all think Orban is the shit. So there's definitely a nexus between the far-right in Hungary and here.

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I don't equate them, but in olden times before Netanyahu, lots of things were different. Israel was a regular country then, with sane leadership, and expected to be treated like a responsible nation among nations. (Itzak Rabin and people like him, but of course he had to be shot.)

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I run a small tutoring business, and depending on need I've had anywhere from 0 to 3 part-timers helping out. During interviews I ask about magazine, websites, etc they read. I never have & never will hire anyone who subscribes to FTFNYT.

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"Yet"; you really have to quality our current level of stupid (You've heard of Trump?).

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"It doesn't scale." except that DHS looked into this in the late 2000s and found that it did. Part of my background includes having worked with Jim Kennedy at DHS/TSA on No-Fly-List and TIDE algorithmic search technology, so I'm pretty up to speed on what you can and cannot use technology for effectively.

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I've heard that! My mom was Italian-American and my Missouri grandpa started off calling her a "Dago" until my dad told him stop - grandpa wasn't aware it was an insult. After that grandpa called my mother "the Eye-Tie." My dad told him to stop that too.

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she recently did an interview on The Gateway Pundit in which she claimed that "George Orwell said the meaning of 'fascist' is that liberals do not like you."Do. Not. Fucking. Even. With. Orwell. You. Shitstick.

He never said that. He knew that a. words mean things, and 'liberal' doesn't mean 'nasty person who bullies me by having different opinions,' and b. fascists like you must not be accommodated. Must not be tolerated. Must not just be called 'controversial' or 'conservative' and drawn into the political discourse because you know, they've got some valid points, they're just anxious, they're concerned about traditional values, etc fucking etc. No. Punch nazis. (With press stories and so on, of course, rather than fists.)

And Orwell was a Socialist till the day he died. By the way. Just saying.

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No it's not equal.

Hillbillies and swamp people are real Americans. They matter (not as much as rich assholes but they matter) and liberals are dirty hippies who should be shunned and ignored. Fuck the NY Times.

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They are doing their best to present the kinder, gentler face of Nazism.

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I made a thing for this.


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Or Charles Blow!

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Then I bow to your clearly greater expertise and experience in TLA-world.

Most all of the articles I've ever read about the Israeli vs US airport security stuff (all lay press stuff, I don't know if I read Schnier on this, an that is truly the only name I can drop here :-) came down on 'it wouldn't scale',

Then why are they pursuing a technical solution? (he asks rhetorically because, of course that's the solution that sends taxpayer $$$ to tech companies)

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That's a bold statement and a bit offensive to both sides, which is sort of NYTish.

I'm certainly no fan of the NYT but I don't disparage others to make my point or to drag them down with.

I'm assuming that was an attempt at sarcasm but you have a limited history and I've never spoken with you before, so I don't have much to go on.

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Shorter NYT: There were good people on both sides

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