Friends, since the pandemic, we have MOSTLY stopped driving around the country throwing beer and kisses at your faces, but now we are all vaxxed and boosted, and you all have been throwing (generally outdoor) parties amongst yourselves in my stead, and we are having some, so come to them!
NEW YORK!You are having a wonkmeetTOMORROW Sat., Oct. 15, 2 p.m.!Seventh St. Park, Hudson, New York, with Riverside Park, Coxsackie, as a backup in case of rain. This is a meetup for you to Fellowship in Jesus probably, and also a memorial for one of your comment palz, Big Bad Bald Bastard. (Wonkmeet)
And what aboutSF?You have one every third Friday, which Calendar tells me is Oct. 21! Eclipse Bar in the atrium of the Embarcadero Hyatt Regency, 5 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco. This is a recurring WonkMeet, at 6 p.m., every third Friday of the month – look for future postings, same Bat Place, same Bat Time, usually same Bat Bar. (Wonkmeet)
Do you have to be a commenter to come to a wonkmeet? OH MY LORD NO. In fact, there are what, like 200 regular commenters I'd guess? And 900,000 readers? Please don't all 900,000 of you come to my house in ...
DETROIT! And people within driving distance!You are having a GRAND HALLOWEEN PARTY at MY HOME!Sat., Oct. 29, 8 p.m.,please email me at rebecca at wonkette dot com for our address if you would like to attend! Corona masks strongly encouraged even if they don't go with your awesome costume.
QUEBEC CITY!Shy and I will be there to see you Sun., Nov. 27, place and time unknown. Be prepared to FETE us EN FRANCAIS!
Seriously though guys, RSVP or it will be just like my 16th birthday party all over again when THEY ALL CALLED TO CANCEL, except nobody called : (
Here, have my house, don't you want to be in it? Yes you do.
“Shy is good at Halloween”
— Master Rebecca Schoenkopf, Wonkette Editrix, King (@Master Rebecca Schoenkopf, Wonkette Editrix, King) 1665269027
Hehe. Niice
If I didn't already have my tickets for Greenfield Village's Halloween for the same night I'd be there!