<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/479398\/mitt-romney-blames-great-recession-on-losers-like-you-who-attacked-success-video#IDComment409571079" target="_blank">Yup. </a> She's also majoring in some sort of astro-electro-robo-physics program. (For those who insist that smart is sexy.)

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No problem - unless you consider being airbrushed out of all the photos of the State Legislature a problem.

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Lasted one minute? She's OK, but I don't think she's THAT fappable.

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The last thing she should do, with that honker, is make her lips disappear. (The heavy eye makeup just adds to the problem.) I think it works only if you've got perfect features (Emma Watson could pull it off.)

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With that kind of 'incorruptible' moral compass, she's destined for a GOP Ethics Committee!

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Looks like she would be mute, if her hands were tied.

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I caught it - what's up with that?

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No tattoos. Also.

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When she promises the Black dude in the hat "I'm going to represent what you want..." she forgot to first ask what he wants her to represent.

A good sales pitch is founded on the mark's wants and needs. They need to know that you care before they care about what you know. Don't start selling until you find out what they are buying.

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The video is from Jewish Forward, they wouldn't want her to select the Jewish reverse!

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Mindy has her nails done... and hasn't, at least publicly, denigrated 'nail ladies'.

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Let's see: she's stupid, religious, has the verbal capacity of a 7th grader, and sights on the White House.

Yessireebob, another qualified GOP Presidential candidate is ready for 2016!

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Do her senate votes count if she casts them while being "unclean"? Both the Constitution and the Torah are silent on this.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the new Director of Communications for the Romney 2012 campaign.

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No, thank God.

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