I prefer a Marxist interpretation, as specious as that would be.

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And definitely not abouthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Sounds like your doing the right stuff. Good on you and I wish you all the best.

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And everyone will breath a sigh of relief at the bullet they dodged now that they had President Pence.

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"How he got in my pajamas, I'll never know!"

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"Sick Sad World" - a Daria reference? Wonkettes, I'm having some serious feels for you and this time, I think it's really love. <swooning>

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I'm sure he would think it much more appropriate for the liberal elites of the Hollywood to do a historical sci-fi show where they just pretended like all their icons never made any mistakes or had moral foibles at all. I mean, that's what the GOP does, so it would seem to be obvious that the show should have pretended like Kennedy and his family were a regular episode of Leave It to Beaver. or maybe their problem is with a woman being a historian and being fascinated by a historical subject? because it's obvious that women are not academics and teachers take no interest in the subject matter they teach--it's all rote learning and getting home in time to give their hard working hubbies a beer and a home cooked meal when they come home from the office! I am so glad that Newsbusters saw fit to correct me on my errant liberal ways.

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she was. i never had a close relationship with either of my grandmothers. sadly, ms. blig's mom passed away when blig jr was too young to remember her. but, he has a wonderful relationship with my mom.

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in what universe is J. Edgar NOT sexy?

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Dammit! I thought the Obama Time Machine was supposed to be a Sekrit. How did "Newsbusters" get their hands on it?

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Remind us again Newsbusters, who are you supporting in the election?

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You have my condolences.

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Know what's strange? I haven't gotten that on youtube but I have on Instagram. It says "based on accounts you interact with". Umm no.

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Seems to me that youtube would be the last place you'd want to be seen whining about how you can't get dates, but what do I know

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And obviously since women didn't want to deal with gross bullshit in the first place, they will undoubtedly be crying themselves to sleep forever!

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