I’m sure Prager will come up with some bullshit about how those chanting that at the UNITE THE RIGHT RALLY were Antifa or BLM or some other bullshit.

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And they need to be there for Armageddon, or their rapture, so they all die horribly, while 'Vangies whack-off about how they were right or some such drivel. It's all so vicious of them.

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Ever so much this.

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What Natalie said -- they mostly are all in for Jews in Jerusalem because they believe Armageddon is going to be kicked off there once the Jews are totally in control of that area, and they can't wait to get raptured up to Heaven, to sit at the right hand of their Gawd and look down on us heathens struggling through the post-apocalyptic landscape left behind down here.

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All these dicktator dick sucking clowns (no offense to those who dick suck with enthusiastic participation— nor towards clowns) need to hurry up and GTFOH so they can begin joyously embracing their BFFs and start acknowledging their antipathies towards democracy. (And freedoms, and free speech, and voting and all the other things we fight so hard to protect and promote.) And remember Dennisoid: when your buddy finally comes for you— NO BACKSIES!

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Why not both the thing and the thing that is against the thing?

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Densus the Mensa.

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Don't forget that all the Jews who don't repent of being Jews get torched in that sceanaro.

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Because if there's one person who knows the inner workings of the worlds biggest intelligence agencies...

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several thousand Brazil-Nuts?

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Prager's statement makes me think of all the times T**** said whatever he was doing was "the biggest, best. most" etc, etc. They love their hyperbole.

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My problem is I understand what's being said but I can't answer. Thank heavens for Google Translate. I can type in what I want to say and get an answer back it takes a little longer but I can manage a conversation.

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Also evidenced by the fact that the people who say "we're a republic, not a democracy" are invariably from the right.

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I'm sure Prager loves this country just as much as did TFG.

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Like most elected Democrats, Steny Hoyer is afraid of the corporate donor class, both for what it can threaten directly by funding or un-funding candidates and by what it can threaten indirectly by buying unregulated attack ads. This is why he, like most elected Democrats, will consider every possible option except the most effective one, which he will consider only as a last resort, and maybe much too late for US democracy.

"Democracy is fine, but coddling the rich is important," wrote Steve M.


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Nonsense sounds better in a British accent. That's why Star Wars was successful Sir Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing elevated the material. We (I'm Trinidadian) are trained to listen to that accent and lend it an authority that is borne from our colonial past my "good school" accent.

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