So why don't we have a pinterest page for wonkette? Just wondering.

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I don't know, but there is someone I am following who I think IS a Wonketeer- or should be!

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Is there a day when we don't have shockers on the brain? I know I don't.

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It'll have to be her head 'cuz she sure as fuck ain' go no brain.

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God, where does it END? First BENGHAZI, now THIS?!? This may be even worse, and I consider the treachery at BENGHAZI to be the most vile, shameful and embarrassing actions by a US administration ever in the history of this great country. IMPEECH!!1!!!11!!!!

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"Boycotters have listed their agenda, that Fox become “the right-wing CBS News: to break stories, to break information, and to do what news organizations have always done with such stories: break politicians.” They have also demanded that the network feature ”at least one segment on Benghazi every night on two of its prime-time shows; that Fox similarly devote investigative resources to discovering the truth of Obama’s birth certificate; and that the network cease striving to be ‘fair and balanced.’”"

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I think it's more like why do THEY bother getting up in the morning

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OT, but while scrolling through Pinterest DIY, I came across a pin for an NRA handgun holster for your bed, which someone had pinned under "Great Ideas" What. The. Fuck.

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Shit, in a hotel minibar, if you drink bottled water like it's bottled water, you can add 10% to your tab.

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i think technically it's trillions.

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every time you people run that picture, i get nothing at all done for the rest of the day.

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OHJBGLH doesn't do tumbrils. OHJBGLH does trains, trans, biker mamas and dr. jill.

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Colonials of his ilk are not really Downton Abbey material. Now, handsome Turkish envoys who deflower Lady Mary are another matter entirely.

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For the record, Daniel Schorr suggested that 20 years ago, and also that they could insert discreet product endorsements in the Congressional Record. Or maybe read them from the floor on CSPAN during quiet moments.

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They've already blown their budgets defending DOMA and Prop 8 before SCOTUS after Hopey said no thanks.

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All of them, weejee.

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