An interesting topic on the Thom Hartmann Program the other day was what if all the blue states formed a consortium or such to fulfill our progressive agenda, ie healthcare, jobs, education, etc and just say "fuck you" to the red states and Feds. When red states started to fail and wanted to join they would have to abide to OUR rules. There may be some Constitutional issues but it sounds like a hellofa idea to me.

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“Now, if the states could perhaps elect some sort of national leader ...“

No way; that’s how we got this shitshow. “If the PEOPLE could elect some sort of national leader...”

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Sounds like the EU to me.

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Wait, are you talking about Barack Obama again? Let it go; you can’t have him back; he has flown free like the birdies!”

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“He knows he can't talk as an Intellectual or moral equal with guys like Macron...”


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. . . maybe. . .

[twists toe in dirt, looks away wistfully]

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Not really. We'd all still be Americans, who currently are being ruled by the minority. The coalition plan would put us on a more level ground.

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Calling it the EU wasn’t an insult. Despite its problems and its detractors it was still the best thing to happen to Europe since the end of WWII.

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Agreed, sorry I didn’t mean to sound argumentative.

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Yeah the only way to execute is to pull the Patriots maneuver and start smuggling.

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He just thought that hunting was more interesting than his restive populace. Can you actually blame him?

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"Because our president is too preoccupied trying to steal the krabby patty recipe,..."


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The Tokugawa Shogunate. Upvote just for that.

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NTTAWWT. Purple states will turn bluer and smart people in red states will move to blue states. Win win.

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That is FUBAR.

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