What a disappointment the end of world turned out to be! I really wish those people would get raptured up to (pet-free) heaven. Those of us Left Behind™ may be stuck here in Hell, but with the fundies gone it will be a better place.

Also, when they get in heaven, they'll certainly start complaining about insufficient piety among some of their fellow residents. Then about the socialism -- free food, health care, wings, harps. Before long the place will be their own private Hell.

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That is such an insult to the Ferengi....

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Yet leaves no marks...

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"I believe NBC owes Callista an apology, because the fact is my campaign is my campaign," Gingrich said in an interview with Fox News's Greta Van Susteren. "Yes, we make decisions as a couple, but in the end, I take full responsibility. And I think the program this morning was totally irresponsible, and personally reprehensible, and the kind of thing that makes it hard to get decent people to run for public office."

Hard to get decent people to run for public office? That certainly would explain why Ole Newt is in the race.

Meanwhile, there's nothing like one Fox "News" employee (InSannity, Wallace, Van Susteren) conducting an infomercial with a fellow (ex-)employee (Newt, Duh Guv-Nor).

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Stop insulting douchebags.

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if newt doesn't pace the release of these stories, he's going to peak far too soon.

pun intended.

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I thought most of the prospective donors already spent all their money alerting people to the May 12 apocalypse.

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and then it returns to home.

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I'm pretty sure that Newt is less of a Christian wingnut than he is a Christian-manipulating wingnut. It's an unfortunate fact that a lot of Christians are very easily manipulated. Just hold up a Bible and talk about the evils of gays and abortion and the money floodgates apparently open.

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Your son would bring a refreshing new voice to the Sunday political shows, increasing their intellectual level many times.

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Lobbyist Barbie is looking a little worn. Next stop, Greek Barbie.

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If you buy it as a gift, it's an act of cruelty.

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Under sharia, Newt can divorce Calista when she gets cancer simply by saying, "talaq, talaq, talaq." Now that I think of it, I'm surprised more Rethugs aren't totally into sharia.

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Sans snark: Spot on.

O/T: There was a bus driver when I was a kid who was known as Super Dave and your handle causes an image of his countenance to appear in my mind every time I see it.

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The issue is not agnostic cynicism, but rather literacy.

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All that tax-free cash is trickling down, right? Fixing the economy. Um, wait.

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