Remember what put Newt on the front page all those years ago? The terrible *scandal* of Congressional *check kiting*. Months later it turned out he had a few checks covered himself. This is payback for that and all the rest of his bullshit over the years. Why doesn't Larry Craig try for a run next?

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They use them as fuel to fake orgasms.

The worst neighbors I ever had were a 50 year old guy who had run away from his wife and kids, when he was giving his new girlfriend the business they sounded like rutting hippos. When she was fucking her other lays who came by during the day, she did not make a sound.

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You need to higher a better dungeon master, heard the CIA has had a few recently retire.

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Hey, your corpse ain't gonna screw itself.

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Engraving on the ring: "To whom it may concern"

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No ice - No dice.

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Wait. Your husband has a casino? Is your married name Ensign?

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While we're on the subject of Newt, it should be mentioned that those stories of him serving divorce papers on his first wife while she was lying in a hospital bed after cancer surgery are <i>totally</i> false.

New evidence shows she was <i>clearly</i> sitting up at the time.

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This is truly the weakest Republican presidential field since 1996. And before that, since the 1940s.

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Well, it was so cute I wanted one myself but I'm getting a copy of the IUD wedding hat instead.

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I want to see the receipts.

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well it's depressing b/c i would like diamonds.

without having to give newt a blow job.

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That is not much money IMHO to spend at Tiffany.

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Would't that be the Pubic Option in this case? If so I'm for it.

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so what, callista is chevy cobalt?

also: what a self serving prick.

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