He should have gone with something that would really have resonated with the Wingnut brigade he is trying to court:

"I never even said those things! It is a complete fabrication! The Liberal Media photoshopped my voice, you can tell by the background pixels!!"

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Can the new political consensus just be "Newt Gingrich is too shitty of a human being to get elected president" so we can just ignore him and move on?

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and then he realized that there is no alternative to Obama's plan that would win popular AND Republican support so let's just keep our mouths shut, okay?

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Patrick Buchanan says Gingrich is 'left wing' on key issues, left of GOP base!

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to be fair, you don't have to shoot drugs into your sex organs to laugh at michele bachmann.

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well I for one hope it doesn't end TOO soon. Can't have enough sanctimonius hypocritical windbags in the republican party for my taste.

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