You don't make a campaign ad with the supporters you wish you had, you make it with the supporters you have. In this case, all six of them.

(Unless you're Mint Mormoney, and can affort to hire a cast of thousands of normal-looking humans.)

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Needs somebody sitting on the toilet, for authenticity.

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I guess the youngsters haven't researched Newt's first tenure in the Senate, his divorces, or his $1.6 million gig as historian for Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. After you kids do that, send me a video of how you really feel about your conservative messiah.

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That's her <i>good</i> side.

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Ole Newt is the reverse King Midas.

He's got the coprophagic touch - everything within his reach turns to ... well, you can Google it if you can't figure it out.

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Title: "One Newt, Two Bathrooms".

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You know how web sites (like wonkette!) like to post pictures of people when they were young and foolish, with young and foolish looking hair? We haven't seen the last of these people.

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