Newt Gingrich So Sad For All The Month-Old Babies Liberals Want To Infanticide
That would be totally fair if it were not absolutely made up.
It’s become clear in the last year or so that the vast majority of Americans do not want what Republicans are selling when it comes to abortion. Their extreme policies have led to electoral defeats and every time abortion is on the ballot, abortion wins and their nonsense loses. They get this. That’s why they have fought so hard to keep it off the ballot in states like Ohio.
Rather than back down, however, they have embraced the strategy of “paint Democrats as the real extremists on abortion” — largely by pretending that dead baby jokes are praxis.
What’s more disgusting than a pile of 100 dead babies? The one live baby in the middle trying to eat its way out. Either that or Newt Gingrich trying this one Friday on Sean Hannity’s radio show.
If the debate on abortion is handled correctly by Trump and the Republicans — that is, we think 15 weeks is a reasonable limit to abortion. We think the life of the mother, incest, and rape are reasonable exemptions. Versus a party committed to killing your baby on the last day, or in some cases, committed to killing your baby up to 30 days after it’s born. I think we win that fight.
Well, I think I could win any fight against objectively terrible positions that no one actually holds. I could definitely rally a ton of support for universal healthcare by insisting that the alternative is Viking funerals for everybody who gets sick or injured. Sure, you could say, “But we don’t have universal healthcare now and people aren’t being regularly sent out to sea on burning boats!”
And I would say, “Exactly.”
Of course, to be fair, a politician is a lot more likely to be called “unrealistic” for proposing universal health care in this country than for any bizarre infanticide fantasies.
I do feel like one of the more frustrating aspects of our modern media landscape (or whatever) is that Republicans have, in fact, been trotting this nonsense out for years now, and I have yet to witness anyone demanding any kind of evidence from them. At no point have any of them, actually been asked to say who, specifically, is supposedly demanding these post-birth abortions. They’ve never been asked to provide a name, a direct quote, a policy, anything. They just get to say it and keep saying it over and over again, and then other people repeat it and no one ever calls them on it.
It almost feels like the more blatantly ridiculous the claim, the less likely anyone is to be directly questioned on it, as if not questioning them on it maintains some level of desperately needed normalcy and decorum. A far higher level of scrutiny is placed on any suggestion of entirely reasonable social policy ideas implemented with great success, for decades, the world over.
Some people think liberals are hoarding piles of dead one-month-olds in their garages, other people think taxpayer-funded preschool and daycare would be nice. Tomato, Tomahto.
This is an accusation that is very likely going to be bandied about the Republican primary, and while it is likely that the vast majority of those candidates are going to stick to right-wing media, it would be super nice if those who do make it onto the mainstream news could be pressed, just a little bit, on this one.
I will never understand the perverse Rethuglicon relationship with "life". These self-righteous moral scolds shriek and howl about how they must "protect" an embryo or fetus that has not achieved any semblance of sentience and has no awareness of its' existence, framing their efforts as heroic lifesavers.
But they won't do a gawd damned thing about the bullets flying out of assault rifles at approximately 3,900 feet/second that a small second or third grade child is shrieking in terror from and desperately attempting to escape...before it takes their head off.
Actually, it’s the Republicans who are keen on killing babies after birth, by denying rights to parental leave, child care, and postnatal care. Oh, not to mention infant vaccines.