I understand Newt has become a catholic. It should make future divorces more difficult.

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I just checked Twitter, and the top trending tag was #bootyappreciationday. How this fits with the Newt is left as an exercise for the reader. (Hint: unlikely to involve appreciating his booty.)

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Newton ("Newt") Gingrich's intestinal tract is populated by 100,000,000,000,000 bacteria! How's <i>that</i> for popular?!

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James Wolcott called Rudy Giuliani a "presidential delusionist."

That fits Ole Newt.

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The only reason I went to your website was to look at the pictures because your section on policy was about as weak as the all you can eat buffet at Tiny Wong's Asian Buffet. In fact, I hate Tiny Wong, so you now know my thoughts about your policy proposals.

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