also ban actual fantasy / fiction novels as work of the devil.

nice rant.

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TP'er grade on a curve when it comes to values. For example, honesty is measured in "Becks". A Beck score of 1.0 means you lie at Glenn's prodigious rate; a 0.25 means you only tell 1 lie for each of Glenn's 4.

Another is fidelity. That's measured in "Newtons", not be confused with its physics namesake.

Courage is defined by "Cheneys". Avoiding the draft (Vietnam era) FIVE times is known as a "full Cheney".

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You just know Off-the-Mark Levin will jump onto the bandwagon, along with poor tired Chuck Norris and Jon Voight.

It's a C-List Celebrity festival!

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Lauri , how could you have left the news that Robert Davi - star of Manic Cop 2 and Maniac Cop 3 - would be in attendance? What a natural fit with the value village voters. He'll fuck them Duggars up good!

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...i always assumed that whenever Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich occupied the same stage it would summon Gozer the Gozerian, just like in "Ghostbusters" when Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver came together!?

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OMG that was a treat. I would pay not to hear that pompous atrocity speak.

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I think they are rednecks in everything but name.

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