I'm sure his new political crew will be the cream of the crop. It's not like other candidates decided to run and then put together their respective staffs, hiring the smart folks who know what they are doing.

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As long as Donald Chump and Duh Gov'Nor are hanging around - not to mention What-the-L Michele - the Vanity Presidential Campaign will remain alive and well.

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Should've handed out Patek Philippes from Tiffanys.

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"and severely complicating his plan to make a political comeback."

Guess his staff finally figured out what he was doing behind them.

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No, I <i>fired</i> 'em all; that's the ticket!

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But-- but Newt's the SMART one! I thought he was missing a heart!

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<i>“It’s not laziness,” Tyler said by phone. “He’s the hardest working person I know. It’s just, I’ll just leave it at our paths to victory are different.”

“There were two visions, two paths to victory, and <b>Newt’s path and my understanding of the path to victory were different</b>, and when that happens, then the candidate’s vision has got to prevail,” he added.</i>

Tyler didn't think he could work with a candidate who can't speak about what he did or said a week back, won't talk about money sources, and WORKED SO DAMNED HARD FOR THIS COUNTRY he was forced to commit adultery. With his current wife I mean.

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Aside from the fact he <i>is</i> a dick, the segues are difficult.

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El Fistula doesn't even read the little words.

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Let's leave Coulter out of this, shall we?

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The current speculation in good old Houston that Newt's failure is net positive for Rick Perry: <a href="http://www.chron.com/disp/s..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/...">http://www.chron.com/disp/s...

Let me go ahead and fire up my t-shirt printer and announce

Perry/Palin/Bachmann 2012. A fricking 3 way.

God bless America.

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It's the "smart" that did him in Repubicans don't like the smart very much.

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Newt's "staff" quit*. This is good news for Callista. __________________ * finally a reason to write a dick joke.

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I read that as "honking the hobo" and thought you were saying something like Newt's got a sad little red pouch dangling at the end of his bindlestiff

And wondered if you'd seen Breitbart's phone or something.

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She wishes she knew how to quit him in a cost-effective manner.

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Oh, I think Palin/Bachmann will be PLENTY funny, although not to themselves.

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