This. Not catchy, but accurate.

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Just because you know what LIBOR is.

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well i feel better now.

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"Challenge one of those parent-actors, about how their kid isn’t dead."

They'd be all over them like Buzz Aldrin on a moon-landing denier.

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Holy crap! Where do these people come from? Disgusting.

Is this what Rome was like before it collapsed?

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I read that. He may have something.

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Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky?

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SH or HS... do you SEE the PATTERN?!!?one!1!??

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Well, this is good news for me.

I can't imagine the bill will have much difficulty in the Assembly.

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Whale shit does get into some very low places though, when it sinks.

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Compromise, conformity, assimilation Submission, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are American dreams

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So is accusing the President of murdering children to maybe get some gun regulation passed.

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Edouard_Drumont" target="_blank">Edouard Drumont?</a>

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Isaac Bashevis Singer?

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I'll wait for Donald Trump and his "investigators" before making up my mind about this. Then I'll wait to see what Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse discovers. But the final word will have to Michele Bachmann. Tell us One-L, how did the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators at the State Department do it?

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Ya know, I'm beginning to think there are some crazy ass motherfuckers out there.

PS: Shouldn't that tinfoil hat be the nifty tri-corner Colonial Williamsburg model?

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