Maybe there's more than one Republican asshole named Annie Caputo, but I'm pretty sure it's this thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Former Jim "Snowball" Inhofe staffer.

So there's that also too.

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I always heard that baseball was the Nat'l Past time. How things have changed.

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Thanks for that. I had forgotten about that case.

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They'd be proud of him.

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If you have dalmations to fluff, I shall be the one to fluff them!

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What, you're going to come over to my place and fluff my dalmations?

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Just you wait......

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Dalmatians aren't fluffy. Just sayin'.

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I am so sick of garbage republicans. Can't we toss them in the trash?

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Is Annie Caputo a real person, or a pen name? There is no info on the internet about her, no Twitter, no bio, etc... Perhaps Tucker is Annie, judging by the number one link that comes up when searching her "RATE WHICH OF HILLARY CLINTON’S OUTFITS WAS THE MOST HEINOUS" I have no doubt it's Tucker.

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Nobody knows the troubles they see...


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Jehovah's Witnesses, you guys are next!If you don't want to stand and recite the pledge voluntarily when we tell you that you have to do it, you don't deserve to be in this country!

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Isn’t the “free market” one of those things the filth is always prattling on about?

Guess what, Cletus? The people who have millions of dollars to pay these guys aren’t stopping them. The people who buy the products that football players exist to market aren’t boycotting. You, as someone who isn’t paying the football players and doesn’t represent any significant fraction of the market for said products, don’t matter. The free market doesn’t give a fuck about your dumb little feelings. Funny how that works, huh?

So STFU. Quit watching football if you don’t like the players. It’s not “your” sport just because your fat, uneducated, pasty white ass just happens to be stinking up the part of the world where it’s most popular.

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"4 Kinds of people join the military, for people like me, it's a family tradition, others are patriots eager to serve their country, then, there are people who just need a job. A fourth kind of person joins in wartime because they want to get paid to kill people, the military is the only place it's legal to do that".

Jack Reacher "One Shot"

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I'd love to tap him out for a spell, but I can't skate

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