I know what you mean. I hate hate HATE those emails. Now, a simple "click to give money" here on Yr Wonkette, on the other hand ... ;)

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It's sort of an Alien-V-Predator, Jason-vs-Freddy thing, except without the likability of any of those characters.

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NFL: "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Nothing to see ..."

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Yes, NFL Security - the same NFL Security that almost outnumbered law enforcement when investigating Michael Vick, the same NFL Security that is primarily made up of retired cops, state investigators and federal agents - is suddenly so incompetent that they can't even follow up on a phone call regarding an incident with one of their high-profile players.

I'd call it tripe, but tripe actually has some use.

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They don't bother me because they know that I can only pay in pine cones.

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