*hands over a towel and throws them across the room to clean up their own mess*

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"It's Biden's fault for not returning things to normal but definitely not the fault of the people that made things abnormal in the first place"

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When Republicans wax poetic about the "good old days" someone need to ask them 1) when that was exactly and 2) why they were good

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Being a Republican Senator is the easiest job in the world. All you have to do is sit around and tweet bullshit.

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They will try to impeach Biden, make no mistake.

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I'm skeptical that a GOP Governor has never before spoken to, or even observed, anyone in the Federal-level GOP, for the past decade. Because that's the only way he could have just now learned that they're not interested in legislating, just obstruction.

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Both of which, notably, are exempt to the filibuster. Or became exempt to the filibuster, because that was what was convenient to Republicans at the time.

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He can sign his name upside down so he doesn't have to read what he's signing

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COVID is proving you wrong.

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Hey, at least he said it out loud. republicans at the federal level don't want to do anything for americans, whether they are in power or not, and its nice to see a fellow republican say that on record.

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McConnell owns KY, but Gideon shouldn't have lost as badly as she did.

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Is this a "the only good Republican is a dead Republican" meme?

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Jesus H. Christ. yes, liberals just decided to keep "pandemic life" going for funsies. We love not seeing our friends or travelling, and having to wear masks everywhere. It's not like the pandemic itself just kept going because republicans wouldn't get a free fucking vaccine. I will definitely reflect on my bad, bad decision making. /s

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When did Nate Silver become a raging asshole? I mean I know what he's saying. Biden failed to deliver is the straightforward story that the media is telling because it can't be bothered to get into tiny details like how everything Biden tried was blocked by republicans. But Nate doesn't have to pile on.

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Pro-life moderate in name only.

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