So, the result of Keynes's presumed sexual orientation was that he was RIGHT about that, too?

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Nicely done. I was going to comment on that particular piece of disingenuous crap, but you have saved me the trouble.

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I became aware of Sullivan somewhat before the 2008 election, when he sometimes appeared to be a "thoughtful" conservative. I'm sorry to admit that it took me six or eight months of intermittent reading to realize that he is a well-educated jackass.

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This is why he has an endowed chair at Harvard.

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according to Rush, all those gheyz created the feminazis and that led to the Holocaust, which was really a conspiracy to enslave all the scientists and brainwash them into advocating global warming to make Al Gore rich. So the holocaust is really Al Gore's fault...

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lots of 503 errors

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Smooth move, Ferguson!

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He never would have eaten that apple if he wasn't sighing over boys!

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smelly-breathed . . .shit eaters.

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If Andrew Sullivan is your "See! I have gay friends!" card, then, man, you are in trouble!

Second, this is a man who's pissed he never got to be Viceroy of India and give those wogs a jolly-good bit of British "institutions"!

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Obviously, you're the <i>real</i> illogicist for pointing this out.

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Ok ok ok, lets unwind this thing.

Gayness affects Keynes' ideas, making them questionable.

Niall Ferguson has a gay Andrew Sullivan read things at his wedding.

Therefore, Niall Ferguson is a gay racist, because his marriage to a Somali woman is questionable.

I think I've got it! HARVARD SMART!

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"You see, he was so gay he managed to get his wife Lydia pregnant, obviously through some kind of backwards theory about gay buttsex but with wives vaginas instead, which totally proves his economic theories were wrong."

--Niall Ferguson, after getting thoroughly ridiculed for his latest dicksplanation

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You know who else started off as a Chancellor?

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I keep getting error messages (503, service unavailable -- twice today). Following the link on the error box, they've installed something called Varnish, which claims to be a "web application accelerator". It sounds as if it may be acting as a brake instead.

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Remember back when Gay was an insult?

Oh. People still use it that way?

That's gay.

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