Or, it's possible that he's just a fucking liar.

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As some of you I'm a GA resident and I can assure you that if any teacher at my son's public high school posted that trash on social media they'd not only be excluded they'd be fired.

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My son's AP Lit teacher would have a ginormous conniption fit over his comic sans... she absolutely loathes that font. She has it X'd out as her Twitter profile pic. Seriously.

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Well, objectively, booze is pretty terrible.

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Hey. I resent that implication. I've never even watched one of our school's FB games.

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"You need to have lots of Post-its and index cards" Obviously I am teaching History wrong.

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I think of Obama every time I torch off my 33 year old handmade mahogany bong while I'm feeding the birds in the Park. The birds really like me. So do the squirrels.

My daughter was cranky when I asked to be buried with my bong but I told her to get her own friends.

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Putin should put his shirt on. He looks like grandma got her boobs out.

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It would upset me that this sun dried dick would be teaching my children - if I was stupid enough to live in Florida.

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If we would've know electing a man who self identifies as being an Afrikan-Murikan would drive so many regressive, racist whites angry, we should've done it sooner. Obama is a pussy 9 million times? WTF kind of time does that douche have on his hands?

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He was WAAAY off base with that comment. ..... He left out the word commie. I'd like to "redistribute" my foot in a commies arse. Is that "hillbilly" enough for all you elitist, self-absorbed, intellectual libs reading this? I say libs, but there is nothing liberating about you if you believe that a bigger government, with their hands up everyone's rear, controlling every aspect of Americans lives, is what you truly stand for. Get a clue. This is supposed to be a country with a minimalist, constitutionally bound federal government. Not a f)&*)n dictatorship, (per use of executive orders) that taxes everyone to death in order to ATTEMPT to cradle to grave nanny-state every individual who whines that they deserve what someone else has. (Social justice .... It is THEFT to anyone who doesn't have narcissistic ideological blinders on).

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Stand your Dumbing-down [of grammar, Moran]

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The school board didn't want headlines like 'President Visits Local School. Ranting Teacher Dragged Out by Secret Service'.

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Sad Nobody From Who-Gives-A-Fuck Can't Spell, Media Confuses 'Impotent' and 'Important'

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ABC News is in the pocket of Big Butthurt!!!1

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"As you lay dying"


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