You're just an idiot troll.

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also, do you really want to be the person who tells the guy with ED and high blood pressure that the dog he got to deal with his depression shouldn't be covered, but if he had low blood pressure that he could have his magic pills covered? I didn't think so.

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I said I gave you sources. go through the whole article again. there are links to a dozen research papers at the end.

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Your assertion that these programs have failed is disingenuous at best. In the very article you cite, what has failed are not established programs, but merely legislative efforts to begin one in the first place. That's not a program failure, that's politics--as was that of the public option under ACA thanks to Joe Lieberman. Those that have been adopted remain in place.

Cost containment in successful systems stems from exercise of market power by an entity large enough to exert downward pressure, without being outbid--as well as direct regulation. Under the private insurance systems, the only limit is how much can be passed on to individual consumers--whose 'market choice' is pay up, die, or go bankrupt--not necessarily in that order. A notable example is that of the VA, which pays 40% lower prices for comparable prescription drugs, owing to its ability to negotiate a global price schedule, unlike Medicare under current law.Pompous, grandiloquent blowhards are tolerable when they add value to the discussion. Sadly, that is rarely the case as their verbosity usually masks the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

For more fact-based shit, the following is a useful resource:http://www.pnhp.org/facts/s...

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"Your assertion that these programs have failed is disingenuous at best. In the very article you cite, what has failed are not established programs, but merely legislative efforts to begin one in the first place."

Inability to fund a program is a failure of the program.

If you're saying that single payer technically didn't fail because they didn't implement it and then not fund it and then cancel it, well, that's disingenuous.

"That's not a program failure, that's politics--as was that of the public option under ACA thanks to Joe Lieberman."

I think I'm hearing you say that single payer can't ever be unaffordably expensive, the only problem is that legislators aren't willing to throw enough money at it. Remember when people were interested in single payer because it would be cheaper and better and would help people? Now you've made single payer a goal unto itself, and damn whatever insane tax levels it takes to fund it. Putting policy before people ... oh yeah, now THERE'S an approach with a proven track record.

"Those that have been adopted remain in place."

Yes, and those are the ones where they worked out how to fund them, and then went forward.

"Pompous, grandiloquent blowhards are tolerable when they add value to the discussion. Sadly, that is rarely the case as their verbosity usually masks the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about."

Have you noticed any pompous, grandiloquent blowhards around here? I'm pretty sure I've spotted one. Seriously, do you actively try to sound like Frasier Crane, or is it just a terrible accident of birth?

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Yes, but does it include theraputic dildos as per Ted the Punch Punch Punchiest Face, the Face that all the Mothers Love to Punch! Cruz's recommendations? I'm sure he'll be offering it as an amendment if it doesn't.

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Doctors and hospitals tend to overbill because they know insurance companies will try to pay as little as they can get away with.

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Tanks for the kudos for the Otto von Bismark national plan.Hard to imagine 19th Century RWNJs to the left of the mainstream US Dems of today!

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The beauty and the very-elective-surgery surgeons and therapists go back into GP instead of raking in on American Female aesthetix competitions.

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Legalize, tax and regulate THC products of all kind.Close all the tax dodges and 1% ers deductions on their income tax.Stop subsidizing non sustainable everythings and retrain all the workers left out in the new economy.Refit the stupidder forms of infastructure renewal (eg levies in placs where folks should never have established human neiighborhoods etc etc).Make the rich pay up their damn fair shares, basically and sell us good holy smoke cheap then tax it.Stop your stoopid war industres and love ins wit Raytheon and Blackwater -type ops.Bring the disabled back into society and quit buying useless junk.There's the funding for a single payer national plan.

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costs of higher ed are Always lower in other countries


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tough shit for him then, hunh?...markets change, jobs change....ask a steelworker from the seventies...adapt or die

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exactly....this is not rocket surgery

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THISSSS^^^...fuck 'skin in the game'....i just had a c-spine fusion surgery that the insurance mafia negotiated down from $72k to $37k...that's for the surgeon alone

so, the surgeon sends me a bill for about $160...and it's the same for all involved, anesthesia, surgery center, etc---for what...'skin in the game'?...fuck that...the mafia just paid you $37k, and you really need my $160?....horshit, that $160 means a helluva lot more to me than it does to you...it's a month power bill for me, it's one day's lunch for you and your staff

skin in the game...fuck off

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