That is a most excellent question!! And should be asked at the next SCOTUS presser.

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This is just crazy full of Win. Brilliant!

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Betsy Ross was STACKED!!!

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Yeah, but he was talking about western Pennsylvania. Totally different circumstances! Not at all the same!

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Everyone will recognize that our cause is righteous. Or else!

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No, it was the neighbor kid, retrieving his wiffle ball... again!

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Halter top, Daisy Dukes, Stetson 'n boots FTW.

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<i>"... with laughter."</i>

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Hooray! It looks like I finally got a hit on my Survivalist Singles profile!

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They have evolved for sure todays stake burning would consist of a medium rare compared to an extra fucking crispy of yesteryear

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Who is more stupider? Holly with her gun, bible and flag or the Fox blond trying to flash a crotch shot to open the questioning? Jesus, Fox, does all of your news have to come off the inside of a blond's thigh to prick the interest of your aging cohort? Is that all the news that's fit to air? Faux News, your soft core news source for everything dumbfuckery off the thighs of virgins(?). Get a grip, Roger.

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A..Holly? That gun wasn't among our founding principles. Nor was the bible as the theists who wrote the Constitution weren't Jesus people, really, Holly, they weren't. They worried terribly about god and whacked religions getting hold of the reigns of government. And that flag, Holly? Not so much. Why the outbreak of no historical sensibility, Holly? Because Jesus, right?

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When displaying the flag vertically,the stars need to be on the left. Fucking conservatives can't even get their fake patriotism correct. Also, too, I sure hope her finger isn't on the trigger . Oops, it is. So fail on flag display and handling of firearms. How much you want to bet she never read that incoherent POS book she is holding? Triple fail.

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That is when the flag is displayed vertically on a wall. This is outside, or did you not notice because your face was in your bong?

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THAT is worshipping false prophets. Bobby Orr, Jean Beliveau and Geordie Howe are the Holy Trinity.

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<i>"Muslim fundamentalists are violent extremists, Christian fundamentalists just don’t do violence"</i>

Then what's the gun for?

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