Is this the political teabagging movement or the balls-in-mouth teabagging?

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good god, can you imagine if Pence had to endure a dressing down from a real live woman, alone, not with Mother, in public? Please someone get that video stat!

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If we're lucky he'll just stay inside in the dark and let his fingernails grow a la Howard Hughes until he has to resign or croaks from Ben Carson's new office furniture offgassing.

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After this incident, Pruitt will now be sealed inside a plastic bubble everytime he appears in public.

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Just noticed that Politico included this story in an article about the slippery slope where displays of dissent careen into Weather Underground style bombings. Gotta get them clicks.

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Funny how he scurried out instead of trying to have her removed from the restaurant. Almost like he didn't want any public scrutiny over his dinner guest.

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Actually I hope he doesn't resign, and Trump doesn't push him out too soon. I'd love to see this as a mid-term issue: Trump's inability to drain the swamp; indeed, Trump's indulgence of swamp creatures adding more slime to the swamp.

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No, he meant that they might confront his cabinet secretaries and press secretary in restaurants as if they had some right to speak to a High Gov'mint Official

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And tattoos! She had tattoos! Probably hiding a shiv where she could give him four or five quick ones in the ribs when he was trying to slither away.

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Ooo--the trouble maker! The nasty, unpatriotic woman! I want one of those shirts.

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He has "people" for that.

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"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." Since we don't consent to Scott Pruitt's depredations, but he provides no mechanism for us to actually get in touch with him, he should expect more of this. Her comments were civil and on the mark. She wrote them down so she'd be sure to remember them.

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Thanks for the rim shot!

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It's less pushy than the pure-uncut bigotry Trump supporters have brought (there are not good people in the white power movement).

As citizens we should be able to directly confront tin-pot bureaucrats like Pruitt. His actions even show how guilty he knows he is.

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