You're wondering if they ever went the Jain way?

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Makes you wonder where the NRA gets all the money and power.

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Talk softly, but carry a sharp stick.

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Instamoron's been drooling onto the internet since before the other Glenn first showed his crazy mug on HLN.

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Nutty member of a nutty church ... just add guns, and stand back. I don't exactly <i>expect</i> one of the Westboro Baptist morans to crack up and pull a similar stunt, but if it happens, my surprize meter will be pegged at zero.

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On murder rates, we're one of the most violent cultures among <em>all</em> countries, and by far and away the most violent culture among westernized countries.

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Would anyone notice a difference?

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No, but vote splitting is always fun.

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And yet, Lester's Three Musketeers? The best!

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YAF: Do you remember the state legislator - I believe from Tennessee, but this was a number of years ago - who said we need to screen those folks wearing a diaper held by a fanbelt on their heads when they tryi to get on an airplane?

On a more serious note, once again we return to the Teutonically-named Department of Homeland Security report warning us about Domestic Terrorism, particularly the "lone wolf."

The right wing nutz were up in arms over that - yet as time goes by, sadly, it proves more and more to be true...

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I can see the cartoon. Dude looking at an open book. Picture of a Sikh on the left-hand page: "No." Picture of a Muslin on the right-hand page: "Yes."

Of course, there's one other problem with that "joke." Just what does a Muslin look like?

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You know, if we all had cinder block basements chock full of weapons and ammo this kind of shit wouldn't be happening.

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There's way too much of that old-fashioned elitist "professionalism" in the journalism business. If the goal is to root it out completely, I can see why this fuckwad took the prize (the Murdoch Medal.)

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But, God hates people who love countries where heavily armed gay people are allowed to happily marry!

"We're gonna need a bigger sign." -- Westboro Baptist derp

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Bull. If N. Korea had a shitload of oil, Dumbya would have gone in there to "liberate the people" (and Rummy and Wolfie would have convinced him we'd be welcomed with flowers.)

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