And Granny Bush was no slouch either.

I swear, I'm going to start missing Nixon if the current crop of GOPtards gets any more retarded than they already are.

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You mean it's our job to pelt this nasty woman with peanuts?

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If merely sharing a lunch counter or classroom with blahs drove these people to homicidal rage, you have to expect that they're going to totally lose their shit when Obama is the fucking President of the United States, and it's their patriotic duty to respect his authority. Just try to imagine you're one of those flag-waving, bat-wielding fucknuts from Selma, and the damned librul Yankees have made a black man your president!

That's why they're so willing seize on any lunatic theory (everything from his birth in Kenya to the alien lizard implanted in his head) that promises he's not "really" their President.

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Poe's Law strikes again. Is this the clown who gave his game away with "Democrat party" a few days back?

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I haven't watched one second of it. I think I know how it turns out anyhow.

*****SPOILER ALERT!!*****

Mitt Romney gets the nomination.

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You mean their roots are showing? Time for another trip to the GOP beauty parlor.

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There's a whole generation of grannys who baked cookies designed to last for three months without refrigeration.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.popscreen.com\/v\/62aNH\/The-Truth-About-Mother-Scene-Psycho-Movie-1960-HD" target="_blank">Mrs Bates</a> begs to differ.

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When drinking is not OK, but polygamy is, you have to admit that the parties could be awesome.

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Somebody's freshly out of a job at Faux. I wonder what tortured soul could no longer take the horrors of the place, and decided to go out in a blaze of glory?

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Polnick or whatever, I think.

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<i>Where did she learn any idealism? If from her dad, why did he never demonstrate any compassion or values as president? </i>

Maybe she got it from Grampa.

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Somebody obviously assumed she wasn't one of "you people".

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Exercising in view of cameras. That's just cheap attention-whoring.


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Speak for yourself, paleface.

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Wow. Cunty.

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