where's a bat'leth when you need one?

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Many thanks for the reply. A shame about the content (sigh).

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I have one in my living room; it really ties the decor together.

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Thank you that made me laugh out loud.

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I hope Mueller hangs them all.

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I’ve always assumed (if this is to end happily) it will be:

1. Money laundering (though the collusion crap is making a surprisingly strong showing).2. He’ll be forced to resign not successfully impeached.

I’ve never thought (and still don’t) he’ll end up in jail.

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"Gonna guess Mueller’s ready to fuck some motherfuckers the fuck up right about now."....drumming fingers on table.....still drumming fingers on table.....WAITING

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I didn't, for once. I've said mean things to trolls for years without being banned, nothing lately.

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Haven't even tried to crack a joke really lately. I truly have no idea what happened. I sent an email to them, asking why. I guess I'll just have to see if they bother answering me.

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Always blame France. Too many parasites in the snails...

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As much as it would be delicious to see The Donald in actual jail, I agree it won't happen. Even if it's justified, it's a dangerous precedent and casts doubt on the stability of our democracy. Much better for him to be defeated in the court of public opinion. He can declare personal bankruptcy and go on public assistance after all the legal fees.

OTOH, Kushner, Bannon, Pence, Ryan, Nunes, and all of the rest of the criminal gang should live out the rest of their lives behind bars.

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Don’t feel you’re alone. I got banned two weeks ago myself for defending a fellow poster. I emailed the mod asking why, and he said I had violated their TOS. Oh well, FUCK them.

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I’ve noticed that a BUNCH of regular commentators have been MIA over there. I guess someone was in a pissy mood and just banned a lot of us en masse. As I said previously-FUCK them

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I'd almost be ok with it if we could have Anita Berber back.

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I'm sure the documents are mostly harmless.

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Tthat angel just felt me up!

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