Except, that was actually pretty funny ... and it wasn't the disabled that I was laughing at.

Sorry, Dok, but "short bus" jokes are as much a part of the landscape as the short buses themselves. You gotta distinguish between using them as a cultural-reference prop, and making fun of the folks who ride them. Do we have to refrain from making Limbaugh-is-a-fat-idiot jokes, if you're close to someone who's overweight? No more Lindsey-and-Marcus-are-closeted-gays jokes, because we can't make gay jokes? Especially on a snark-fest forum like Wonkette, laughs must be had, and slack must be cut. IMHO. (Props for not just moderating the comments into oblivion.)

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Too crazy for Tennessee voters? That's quite impressive, actually.

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Now, you know Al wasn't gonna pass on a challenge like that.

<a href="http://america.aljazeera.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/the-stre...">http://america.aljazeera.co...

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They love work - as long as it's a minority doing it.

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"My Sharia More?"

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Several years ago on Wonkette was the Southern Politician (South Carolina?) caught trying to do the dirty deed with a woman (of all things!) in an automobile parked in a cemetary. At night.

Am I the only one who remembers this?

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L. Ron Hubbard libel!

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What did the lady in "Nebraska" say about why her Catholic relatives weren't buried in a Luthern cemetary?

"They wouldn't be caught dead here."

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I wouldn't toss that woman into the back of the bus.

Under the bus maybe...

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Just like in Texiss, they be turnin' our dirt storms into Muslin Haboobs!!

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Look at how these poor people's freedom from criticism is being infringed upon by people capturing their words and then displaying them!

IT REALLY IS TERRIFYING (to realize your smallminded backwoods attitudes will be dragged out under the bright sunlight of all the intarnweb's scrutiny)

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This woman is the embodiment of every dumbass I've known - loudly, proudly wrong, at the top of her lungs, emboldened by the presence of others who are loudly wrong, taking actions that would enrage her were the tables to be turned.

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It's just science. Allowing dead muslims to be buried on your soil* means pretty soon jihad juice will seep into the water supply.

*soil in the private ownership of people that are not even you. THE NERVE!!

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"I'm way more Rosa Parks than you are, you big Hitler face!"

-- Historically Literate Teabagger

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Does the KKK have rules about burning crosses in cemeteries?

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I weep bitter tears to think that these are people who vote.

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