$10/hour sounds about right if that's how long it takes to write a Wonkette article. Wonkette: ur California minimum wage pioneers!

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Excellently put.

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My goodness, did you dream the same dream as me?!

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"And we would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling Californians!"

--Koch-sucker CEOs everywhere

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Yeah, go ahead businesses, and pull out of the third largest economy in the world.

<em>That's</em> going to happen...

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...why is it called capitalism when CEO's get triple digit increases in pay but it's "unprecedented" for workers to get an extra $100 dollars per paycheck?!

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Have you been watching the news?

Yes, it is going to suck. Hard.

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But they need that extra money to buy equipment to fend off all of the vicious and poisonous creatures in Australia that want to kill them.

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10 bucks an hour. That should go a long way towards a down payment on that rundown, nothing-burger "fixer-upper" of a house down the street that just went on the market for 1.5 million.

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