You mean "day ending in Y"? This is standard-issue Japan, afaik.

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Rule Of Law? What's that? Constitution? Eh shove it to the side over there, we don't need some stinking piece of paper!

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Or: "Say nice things about Trumpy and stay at his hotel"

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"I want in on that! How much?"- Dinesh D'Souza

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But see, these guys committed low-level drug offenses, so they deserve lengthy prison sentences. They are not icons of humanity like the white football player in Idaho who (sexually) assaulted an intellectually disabled young black man for funsies or like that nice Brock Turner who only kind of sexually assaulted a drunk sloot who certainly don't deserve any prison time, much less lengthy sentences.

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Provide? That's quaint. More like "Fuck you, your kids are your problem and if you can't take care of them it's your own fault for not having any boots in the first place." Something like that.

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Because the US is the only civilized country in the world that thinks the purpose of the criminal justice system is punitive.

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Continuing this policy would be a good gesture for President Trump to show that he was interested in healing the divides in this country, but to review all these petitions and make valid recommendations would require that the people hired by the Trump administration would be knowledgeable about the workings of government.

This does not bode well.

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Everybody's getting that. I think the emotional turmoil's fucking with the immune system. Sleep helps. A lot of sleep.

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I started coming down with the flu in a movie theater watching David Lynch's Dune. I attributed my reaction to the movie as just the illness taking its toll on me.

Then, I watched it after a recovered.

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I think we need to check with Rand Paul before drawing any conclusions.

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It would also require that the people hired by the Trump administration know how to read, which in the case of Rick Perry is questionable.

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This is great. I still think Edward Snowden should be pardoned and allowed to return to the US, although I'm not sure that after the 20th of January there will be that much difference between his current residence and the USA apart from weather.

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Newt is advising Hair Furor to give himself a pre-pardon blank check....because.......hmmm....Newt had an answer yesterday. I laughed so hard that I forgot it. "Pardons.....pardons everywhere!"


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did you do the nasty in the past-y?

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No idea.She told me about it a loooong time ago when I still had facespace account.I'd forgotten about it.Yeah, me too, I just hope he's wasn't a klansmen or something like that.

But, it's likely since it's from Hickory, NC in the late 1800's.

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