They don’t even make you wait 15 minutes in case you go into anaphylactic shock any more. It’s nice to just get stuck, then run. I did promise not to drop dead in their parking lot, though.
Rectum*, a division of Sharter** Communications, is worse.
Note that a very religious woman I used to work with, and who would never say anything even near a swear world actully cane up with 'Rectum' - THAT is how you know it is the worst (I came up with Sharter)
They will be able to Google it.
The entire anti-abortion thing is sperm worship.
Ralph. His name is Raphael. Ralph, for short.
It's about women having equal rights.
Sperm worshipers.
i thought Ted talks were supposed to be informative and entertainingly so? This dreck sounds ridiculous.
AT&T pretended they couldn't find me, even though my neighbor had it.I got Hughes net.
Got my fourth jab today!
They don’t even make you wait 15 minutes in case you go into anaphylactic shock any more. It’s nice to just get stuck, then run. I did promise not to drop dead in their parking lot, though.
now we just need more municipalities providing the service to cut out the coxes and comcasts
And Rectums (Spectrum)
Dr. Feelgood (song) and Dr. Feelgood (band) libels...
Rectum*, a division of Sharter** Communications, is worse.
Note that a very religious woman I used to work with, and who would never say anything even near a swear world actully cane up with 'Rectum' - THAT is how you know it is the worst (I came up with Sharter)
And Chinese?
My favorite author wrote "gratitude is not a real human emotion. But expectation of gratitude is a pretty lively one!"