They'd crucify her!!!1!11

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Yes - I believe the slogan is "Recreate - not RE-create"

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"Um yeah, that weird bilingual shit, also too."

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Yes, yes, there is plenty to respect and applaud in our neighbor to the north. (And I'll be among the first to do so; a fair number of my ancestors - English, French and most significantly, Acadian - came from there.) But it's not all good. The GWN has it's share of <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Je_me_souviens_\(2002_film\)" target="_blank">skeletons in the closet</a> too.

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We actually do have a hockey course (full credit) at our high school.

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If the Conservatives are still in power up here, don't waste your time.

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As a Canadian, it is news to me that it's not called a Riding in the US...

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Nice to see that the Royal Canadian Mounded Police are protecting Sex Ed up in the provinces.

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If a Canadian is going to run for prez-nit here, can it be Ms. Dawson and not Senor Cruz? Please? Really, please?

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Hockey ed is still mandatory, however.

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In a country where it's winter for approximately 10-out-of-12 months, I am guessing that Canadian folks spend a significant amount of time on "indoor recreational activities." At least minus the abstinence-only BS (which is <a href="http:\/\/www.advocatesforyouth.org\/publications\/1487" target="_blank">well-proven to be completely ineffective</a>) the young-un's will be prepared to recreate safely.

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If this article proves anything, it's that the world needs more sluts.

And Canadians.

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Canada should just nuke us from orbit already. why they haven't already is a mystery to me.

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Attention Amish, Quakers and other America-hating pacifists with since religious aversion towards organized killing: you no longer have to pay the 20 percent (a "conservative" estimate to be sure) of your income taxes that go towards our wonderful War-All-the-Time® government.

Or rather, you no longer have to have your assets seized and incur heavy penalties for not paying that 20 percent.

<i>Mille grazie, Nino! Muchas gracias, Hobby Lobby!</i>

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I think about moving to Uruguay, but my wingnut brother was bitching about moving to Barcelona on the eve of Bam's winning last time. I reminded him that Spain was an actual socialist country and he got even more pissed off when I suggested he move to Somalia

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the right to freedom FROM religion.


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