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Still on the grid. We're net metered so it generates more than we use annually. But if power goes out we're out of luck too. Next is an electric car. Baby steps.

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It's like they missed the whole point of Jesus.

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They DID do that with the hot young guy she did something something to, who even knows with. Then Liz make a cougar joke-I love Liz!

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I was the 8th person in my town to solar-ize my little house. Solar during the day, and CA's last nuke plant at night mean I'm nearly carbon-neutral, and I haven't had an electrical bill in 7 years.

It can be done...with storage batteries coming down in price even the closing of the nuke plant won't matter any more. We are generating so much solar in the state that at times we can't use it all.

So shove it, R's.

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I'll bet more coal miners had jobs then than they do now under their God, Rump. That said- who the hell would go down a mine rather than work in a solar cell factory??

Conservatives, that's who.

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Not far from there is Oildale :)

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Ain't gonna let no uppity commie democrat woman tell them what to do, huh.

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well, about 43% of them anyway, i.e. the R 'base'

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I figured 9% of an item in my head for an unmarked discount at a register once, the clerk was blown away- 'How did you DO that??"

I'm no math whiz...but I did go to grade school in the 70s.

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And...they vote

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It doesn't matter if coal was the greatest, cleanest energy source ever--it's not sustainable. Period. I'm glad to see that the industry is ignoring Donnie and investing so much in alternative sources. Normally businesses tend to be short-sighted and only interested in maximizing short-term profits. People like to think that a fuel shortage won't happen during their lifetime, so it's the next generation's problem to fix.

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It's getting to be counterproductive on the GOP's part, because now I'm just starting to assume any Democratic politician who is accused of sexual misconduct is innocent.

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