we really just need Lt. Dan out of office. I don't even think we'd have to get rid of everyone I don't like at the lege if he were gone--though that would be nice, too.

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I don't need the votes of ReThuglican swine like Senators Corn-pone & Ron 'Better Red than Read' Johnson to commemorate Juneteen - just Human Decency, a Sense of History and a calm, hopeful Patriotism is enough for me. Now, pass the potato salad & the BBQ brisket!

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My uncharacteristic audacity may have unsettled him. I dunno but yeah, I was lucky.

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Ta, Stephen. Juneteenth may be tomorrow but I have a paid holiday today. Just catching up on my wonking.

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Opal is best.

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Because white supremacy is bipartisan

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This Juneteenth I'm donating blood that my cousin with undergoing leukemia treatment needs.

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It's bipartisan just like Kirsten whatshername and Joe Manchin keep saying!

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I'm hoping with you. No one is really free until we are all free.

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This vote is their cover.

Evil swine.

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I’m glad Juneteenth is a holiday. I think it’s even more important than Election Day become a national holiday.

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That appears to be a complete overstatement, both of Rogin's statements and the actual content of the material that Rogin used as the basis for his claims.


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I am too also.

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Election Day FTW

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TX HB-3979 (the CRT ban) may not actually have any impact.


1. the TX Senate stripped off all the House amendments including one to require the history of white supremacy in the country be taught and exempting discussions of, say, the writings of James Baldwin from the laws provisions.

2. the TX Senate added a bunch of bullshit to it.

3. TX State Rep. James Talarico (D - the Baby of the Lege) managed to kill it in the House with a well placed point-of-order because the Senate had violated the two-subjects rule and a couple other rules as well. (they were about to vote to accept the changes made by the TX Senate.)

4. the TX Senate reverted to the bill in the condition that they'd received it in. BUT: OH NO! they only had until the 135th day of session to do that and it was the 137th day of session at that point. moving to use El Paso Time won't fix that.

5. whether or not it goes into effect, the supporters of the bill were GRR MAD on the Tweeters because the House amendments included all of the things that they wanted to ban in the first place.

6. lawyers are working with teacher groups to draft a filing for a class action lawsuit as the teachers this would affect (AOT,K) believe this bill amounts to a violation of their FREEZE PEACHES (and they're probably right because it essentally outlaws teaching history and civics except for those subjects in the House amdnements).

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