I take it that the Xtards have been unable to install any of their chosen morons on the KY Board of Ed. Whatever is the matter with Kansas, Kentucky seems surprisingly immune.

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He went to a Libertarian Ophthalmology College. I don't remember the name of the school, but I remember its motto: "Like Eye Care"

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Well, to be fair, that pretty much describes any organized religion...not just Christianity.

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I remember a science fiction short story where two physicists created a time machine. One was a female fundamentalist Christian. Their first test took them to some dinosauric era but the machine broke, leaving them stranded. The phy-chri was all, "woo hoo! Adam and Eve", but the other physicist thought otherwise. Rather than leave evidence of humans partying with dinosaurs and thus pollute the time stream, he decided to kill his fundy colleague. Realizing that even a few bones would be evidence enough, he tossed her into a volcano. Realizing also that he couldn't leave any of his bones behind either, he jumped in as well.

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He almost used his findings to provoke his competitors, tantamount to a tautoteutoteuthology taunting.

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So were condom dispensers...so they would have had an Adam and Eve quiverfull of kids. However, inbreeding being what it is, the new Garden of Eden (Now With Dinosaurs!) would have been much different from modern day Alabama (with dinosaurs)

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It looks like about 80% of the commenters on that site take it seriously :(

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So long as they serve up atheist pastas, it's all good.

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And that includes Rush Limbaugh


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Idiotic drivel

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<i>...There is no significant ongoing debate within the scientific community regarding the legitimacy of evolution as a scientific idea. ...</i> There has been no significant <i>scientific</i> debate on this issue since the Nineteenth Century. Having a big discussion on this in a bible study group does not actually count as "scientific controversy".

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Tripartite divinity as a video game.

Works for me.

(Makes as much sense as anything).

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What, they kept going up your calves?

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Oh, good grief. While I do believe they were indulging in a bit of humor, the straight-line reasoning here is:

1. Noah and family must have been covered in shit because they lived in the middle of a large-animal zoo for a year.

2. All of the pictures we have representing Noah, et al*, show them clean and slick looking.

3. Therefore, maybe they invented a washing machine.

* Of course, all of the pictures we have of Noah, et al, are what would be politely called "artist's conceptions".

I cannot tell if this is a mild jape, or a serious proposal like orbital water.

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I expect smart things from Kentucky from now on. Ya'll here me?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/clapping2.gif" target="_blank">For the Kentucky Board of Education.</a>

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