It feels wrong to admit I actually laughed out loud at that.

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A pustule.

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I don't know how you can stand going back to those sites.

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Thanks for taking one for the team Robyn.

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Thank you, Robyn. Wonketteers, shall we all get together and buy Robyn a nice Silkwood shower for Christmas?

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Could you open a box like this? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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But bucking that trend, National Scotch Day is a very good kind of day.


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Why not more upvotz?

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But then they wouldn't be able to whine and moan about how the world is persecuting them. Where's the fun in that?

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Hobbit palms.

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Hang on, that lede pic confuses me. Reddit has a 'content policy'?

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Might need a lot more than very hot water to clean THAT stench off.

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A despair. A despair of Incels.

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Because they don't feel in control of their own lives, lashing out with political violence makes them feel in control.

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House = Impeachment

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