One's true character is revealed in how he treats vulnerable members of society.

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Always buy the real stuff, not the sham poo.

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No, but I play one on TV.

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So, either you were lying about having lied or you're lying now about being on TV. You play a deep game my friend...and with math. I am stymied.

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first, let's not forget that Mayor Taylor isn't known for necessarily respecting community values like the community making a decision about TNC regulations or adding LGBT to their non-discrimination ordinance--both were unceremoniously flushed down the toilet pretty much as soon as she was in office.

then, if there isn't prosecution, it is likely that Lucklurst could be scooped up off the sidewalk by another LEA--probably DPS, which would mean he wouldn't even have to move.

finally, everyone in the state has been talking about that AR garbage masquerading as "cheese dip". I would like the former governor/president to personally disavow this. don't mess in TX queso!

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Police Chief William McMmm,anus!

If I had a job that involved reading the news at people, this is how I'd pronounce his name.

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Eh, he's encouraging them to vote. As long as he doesn't encourage them to vote in a certain way, it's fine. After all, the Republicans have had a long and supportive relationship with the black community.

Too bad they threw all that away for the Southern Strategy decades ago.

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I was planning to have meatballs for dinner. Thanks a fucking lot.

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i doubt he was trying out a stand up routine for the officers benefit show -

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Not a thing. I think it's harder to get hired at McDonald's than by a law enforcement agency.

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Nice, my appetite FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING DAY is gone. Thanks Shit Sandwich.

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S'ok, the Ferguson, MO, police dept. is always hiring.

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If he had just shot the guy, he'd still have a job.

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Sifuentes was Jimmy Smits lawyer name on LA Law, another Bochco production. Coincidence, I think not!

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And the offspring and I just saw the episode of the West Wing that introduced Matthew Santos, played by...(dun dun duuuuuun)... Jimmy Smits!

IT ALL ADDS UP!!1!!!!11!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!1!!!!

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It's satirical shit!!

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