A large bucket of cactus....

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She seems smart.

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What, no class field trips to the Creation Museum?

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Frolic it and froth it....

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Probably the only real Christian also too. He honestly is a blessed man.

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Wonder how soon that story drops out of sight on the Daily Crawler?

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That DonorsChoose website is way cool--- dedicated and creative teachers asking for stuff that you think "Why the hell isn't the school district giving them this stuff?" Then you remember--public schools, Republican politics--this is why we can't have nice stuff.And just in case nobody's said it yet this morning: Fuck the Daily Caller!

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Preferably with something old and rusty

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x3---I lived in Florida, near Cape Canaveral, for the first few elementary school years. We had heavy emphasis on science, math, reading--had advanced reading groups within the class once you got bored with Dick and Jane---the local high school included Russian as a foreign language choice! And I agree with Helena---even those desk drills were pretty neat in that they made you feel an important part of a Big World out there. Now I'm oldish and live mostly in Georgia, where science teachers are told to "respect local values" by not saying the bad word, "Evolution."

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Nah, man--they let us think all we had to worry about was the flying glass--thus the desk dive.

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"The Daily Caller...found that Stephen Colbert bought the kids 101 cow eyeballs (for dissecting!)....

I am sure that we will get all the doctors and biologists we need teaching them dissection on the Think System.

Even the Daily Caller should be able to figure out that the more kids learn biology, the more Ben Carson-like arrogant asshole surgeons will replenish our supply of right wing nut jobs. Think the long game, guys.

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Rating members of the human race on a scale of 1 to 10, with Stephen Colbert being a solid 9+ and Rick Scott a -30, it is hard to believe that they are both members of the same species.

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Think Maiar: both Gandalf and Sauron were the same level of spirit, but no one would confuse the two--or their agendas and methods.

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MM certainly does. I looked at the numbers on the standardized testing done every year for 4th and 7th graders during the 14 years my kids were enrolled in the local tiny Catholic school, and their numbers were higher in every category, and a LOT higher in math and reading. Every single year.

Of course my consistently 4.0 daughters were dragging up the curve a bit... :)

FWIW, our local public schools are also pretty good, consistently being above average on testing compared to the rest of the state. Sounds like your public schools are even better.

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Old and rusty votes: the worst kind.

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